Strange Occurrences

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That was several months ago. Shortly after my Aunt took her last breath, I had gathered all the things I needed. I now live in a forest close to where my old house was. I had cut myself and made the signs of a struggle leading from my room to the door, down the street and into an empty parking spot. No one would know any differently, especially since I had clawed at the door. Leaving my blood there- a killer would not do that... right? I was currently sitting on a log in front of a tunnel that I had found a while back. It seemed that a bear had been hibernating there, and the trees grew around the den after it left. The roots formed a small tunnel, and the main part was hidden from prying eyes, even to those who had experience looking for these things. I had hidden the tunnel with a huge boulder that rolled a certain way. No one would lean on it and fall backwards- it would never happen due to the barricade I put up.

I set my knife on the branch that I was sitting on. After I left and found this place, several humans wandered a little too close to my hideout. I killed them. I left them in a cemetery close to the woods. I wondered what they wanted. I sighed and hopped down from the tree as the knife slipped and fell, burying itself in the dirt. As I picked it up, I heard a howl. "A wolf?" Hm. Wolves don't live in these woods... Do they? I had sharpened the knife to perfection, and I was certain I could handle a wolf... But wolf's howl sounded pained. What had happened to it? I walked towards the sound of the howl. The wolf howled again. Maybe it was lost. Maybe it was dying? Couldn't let that happen. I jumped into a tree and onto the thick branches, continuing to the next tree, and then to the next. I made my way to a clearing. A huge brown wolf was lying on the forest floor, whimpering. I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked exactly like the wolf from my dream. What was going on?

I jumped down from the tree and approached it. It looked at me warily and when I reached down to touch it to see where it was hurt, it growled and snapped at me. My hair flared up and turned blue. The exact color of a computer screen. My eyes turned red, tinged with pink, and my skin glowed white. I looked like a computer screen's glow now. The entire clearing seemed darker, with hints of yellow and red on the wolf's body and on the rock where the sun was focused. "What the heck?" The wolf shied away from me. "It's okay. I won't hurt you." I lifted it. It was not very heavy. I attributed that to my glowing body. So. Increased strength, and my eternal nightlight. When will this stop? I glanced down at my sleeve. The wolf was clawing at my skin, but I didn't feel a thing. And I'm not able to feel pain... Oh dear. I won't know if I'm dying. I looked at my arm again. I frowned. There wasn't any blood coming out of my arm. I looked at the wolf. It was looking at me. I continued walking until we got to my den.

When I went inside, my glow lit up the cavern. I set the wolf down on the floor of the den, which was quite comfortable. I had put moss and bark in it before I had really settled down in it. There was no bed because I couldn't sleep anymore. I was still fine somehow, but for some reason, I could never fall asleep. The wolf whined and tried to edge away from me, but it fell and couldn't move more than a twitch or two. It pawed at the ground, trying to get away from me as I approached it with some water and a piece of meat from a deer I killed. The deer in this forest were overpopulated, and I had many pieces of dried meat from a few days ago. The last deer was plump and healthy. I always took the healthiest ones because of the population problem. I laid a piece of meat on the ground next to its nose. The water was in a shallow wooden bowl. The wolf looked at me. I left the den, letting it eat in peace and quiet.

Days passed, and the wolf eventually got better. I let it go, and now I feel kind of lonely. That wolf was all I had to talk to. I sighed and gloomily looked at the moss bed that was now empty. A few hairs from the wolf's fur still clung to the dried foliage. I remembered walking the wolf around the den. It was so scared at first, but it got used to me and I got used to it. A sharp scratching noise brought me back to the present. I peeked around the boulder. I nearly died of shock. A huge moose lay dead in front of my tunnel. "What the heck?" I whispered. Only a bear or a gun could take down something like that... Either that or another person like me... I looked around to check that no one was there before I dragged the moose inside and covered up the trail of blood leading to my den. I made sure the leaves didn't look too messed up. I went back outside and waited on a tree branch, but nothing appeared. 

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