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I growled as I saw a female human casually walk past my tunnel. She heard it, and turned towards the boulder, eyes wide. I stepped out from behind the boulder, my hands in my pockets. "Sorry," I said. She visibly relaxed, I wasn't a bear. "What for?" She held out her hand. "I'm Laurel." I took her hand, but didn't let go. "I'm your worst nightmare." Her eyes widened again, and she tried to run as my wings flared open. "What are you doing? Going so soon?" Her body lit up, and I let go. The trail of light traveled to my wings on its own. That's new.

"Yes. Yes it is," said a deeper voice from behind me. "What the-" I spun around, only to trip and fall onto Rage's chest. "What are you doing?" He smiled down at me, and I noticed that his teeth were unusually sharp. "I came to check on you." Aw, how sweet of you. Unfortunately for you, I am in the middle of a game, so if you don't mind waiting, then you can book an appointment later, I thought sarcastically at him. Yes ma'am, I heard his voice in my head. Wait, now I can talk without straining my vocal chords? I tilted my head back and smiled at him. Then I stood back and let him dust himself off as I turned around to talk to the immobilized girl. I felt Rage hug me from behind and smiled briefly to myself.

"So. Do you know about the family that was killed almost 6 months ago? The daughter who went missing? The people who supposedly kidnapped her?" The girl shook her head. "I-I don't k-know an-nything, I swear!" She stuttered. I let my wings snap open, and she crashed into a tree, pinned there by the strange light coming from my wings. The tree was not very tall, it was only a bit bigger than the girl herself. Rage reached out and poked one of them, causing it to twitch. The girl's arm crunched into the tree. I slowly detangled myself from Rage and walked over to the tree. I put my palm on it, and the string of light made it's journey to my other wing. The tree started to glow. Change her. I directed this thought towards the tree. I knew Rage heard me though, because I heard him gasp in shock. "Don't do it!" He didn't know that I was only changing her. He grabbed my arm and tore my concentration out of focus. I grabbed his arm and again, a trail of light traveled from him to my wings. I gave him a 'sorry, not sorry' look, froze him, and went back to changing the girl. She was sucked into the tree and I felt her consciousness merge with the tree's.

I turned to Rage, who stared at me with a mix of confusion and shock. "You know, Rage, I didn't kill her. She was just changed." Behind me, the tree started to move. Well, not move. Just transform. It's roots lifted out of the ground and clods of dirt went flying through the air. I created a protective bubble around us. The tree started to shake. The trunk morphed into something like a body with legs, and the roots formed a tail. The branches shifted backwards. Two slits opened in the trunk where the head was, and a mouth formed. The mouth was filled with jagged wood resembling teeth. Her eyes were two glowing yellow balls of light. "See, Rage? Now she's like you. She can be human and a wolf!" I smiled insanely. His eyes were full of horror. "Why- how could you do something like that?" He yelled at me. My smile disappeared.

"I thought you said that you were lonely. So I made you a companion. Why aren't you happy?" Why didn't he like my gift? She could still change into a human. Why was he upset. Couldn't he see into her mind? She was abused by her parents and was bullied at school. She was even suicidal. She'd heard of the killings in the woods and had gone to investigate, to see if she could be next. I didn't want her to die, so I had let her become something better. What the heck was wrong with Rage? His voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I don't want another companion! You are the only one I-" He stopped and glared at the ground. I bent closer. "I'm 'the only one' you what?" He sighed and looked at me. "You're the only one I want as a companion." In my shock, I lost control of both Rage and Laurel. Laurel nudged me with her nose. I turned to her, and she looked into my eyes. Are you okay? You can talk? Of course I can. Why wouldn't I be able to? Thank you for changing me. I was seriously about to kill myself there. Are you okay now? Yes. Thanks to you. Your friend there does not seem to think so. She looked at Rage, who was on his back, looking at the sky and muttering to himself. 

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