Get some rest.

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    Stopping to rest for a moment, I realize how out of breath I am. I turn to look up the final set of stairs. The light feels cold, despite the golden glow, and it's utterly blinding. It's taken so much just to get here. The top seems so far away, but I know the distance is only a bit further. I know she's up there waiting for me. So I have to make it.
    I dash forward before having to take more heedful steps, carefully, one foot in front of the other. Only have your eyes on your goal as it gets closer. But god, does everything ache. I feel so heavy and weak like I could collapse completely at any time now. The tips of my fingers tingle. But this is for her. For my friend. I have to make it, even if it's the last thing I do now, because I promised it to her.
    Taking my final step onto the roof, my eyes hurt as they adjust to the glowing morning sun. I see her silhouette, then her figure soon becomes more clear. Dark gray uniform, sweet golden hair. Aigis turns to face me, a tender smile on her face.
    "We meet again." Her voice is perfectly loud enough to push through the wind.
    I return a small smile as I relax. She's really here. I remember.
    We both seem to have the same idea as we take steps towards one another. There's no rush, there doesn't have to be. It's solely us, and all the time in the world. If I reach her, maybe everything will be okay... but I can't.
I stumble over my feet as my legs suddenly give out. She runs the final steps toward me and catches me in her arms. She's got my back again, exactly as she always has.
    My body rests against her almost in a natural way as we both gently fall to the ground, and I'm worn out from my attempt at a run, on top of making my way up the stairs. Ever so slowly, the stiffness throughout my body ebbs off, going elsewhere. The screaming of pain inside me fades to an uncomfortable mumble and I can feel myself ready to slip away soon. It's almost calm, and almost quiet. Aigis hugs me tighter, and I can sense the emotion. I can sense the care and love, and I'm almost warm again.
    "Welcome back. Makoto."
    I find myself smiling again at her words. It's a weak smile, but it still feels nice to hold the expression I've almost gotten used to. It's uniquely still, even with the light wind. And there's her embrace that I would return, if only I had the strength to. After basking in that short time, she takes her caution in standing standing back up, supporting me as she does. Aigis leads us to the bench near the ledge, my arm around her shoulders so I can keep myself up. She sits down, and I carefully lay across the rest of the bench, my head resting in her lap.
    The draft on the roof is gentle, the breath of the air below us pushing the blossoms from sakura trees up through the air. I stare up at the sky, watching soft pinks dancing fiercely against deep blue, full of ardor. There's no more than wisps of clouds far off. Such a beautiful sight, but it almost hurts to look at. So bright.
    "The breeze feels nice, doesn't it?" Aigis starts in that smooth voice. I can't muster the energy to respond, and she continues anyways. "I finally understand now. The end that will surely come. Only those who were able to face the truth that it will come to them will be able to find it. What it is that proves you're alive." She looks down at me. I don't really look at her, my eyes set on the sky, but I don't see her lips pushing into that smile from before.
    "I have found it, too. My reason for living, my purpose for living." She pauses. "I... I want to go on protecting you, forever. I want to lend you my strength. That's what it means to me, to be alive."
    I'm safe. I'm comforted. I feel... okay. Yet now, I can't smile. My lips can't pull themselves into that meek curve. I can make it out ⏤ how blank my expression must be. It almost pains me to not to be able to express this easiness I'm feeling, but I hope Aigis knows. I notice her rest a hand on top of mine, which I've folded comfortably on my chest.
    "You must be exhausted. You should get some rest now. I'll always be here for you."
I can still feel my vacant expression. I'm so cold. So are Aigis's eyes. And they're lifeless, but that doesn't make them void or any less beautiful. They're another wonderful small detail.
    "You'll be seeing the others soon, too. You have nothing to worry about. I'll always be by your side, protecting you."
    I only⏤
    "Hey! Makoto!"
    Junpei. I slowly turn my head. Running towards me are... my friends. I can hear them, but everything's so blindingly bright now, and so fuzzy. A white haze has cast over my vision, but I know it's them. I know those figures, those voices, anywhere.
    "Yuki!" Akihiko and Yukari call out at once. I'd smile, almost laugh if I could. My name is called again, this time by Fuuka.
    Hey guys.
    "Yuki!" Mitsuru. She almost sounds exasperated.
    "Mr. Yuki!" Amada calls out, followed by a small bark from Koromaru.
    Everything is so bright. I wish I could see you guys better. I wish... I wish I could hug you guys. I'm sorry, I feel so weighed down. I feel so cold. I'm...
    Suddenly, I'm acutely aware of everything around me. Every small detail. The firmness of Aigis's legs, and her hand on my head, while the other is still resting as before. The concrete of the bench underneath my back. How my clothing fits against my body. The kind continuous breeze. Everyone's footsteps on the roof. I discern every bit of what's surrounding me. But most importantly, for an instant, precisely for a second, I can see clearly. I can see every one of them wholly, and the sky certainly isn't too bright. My friends. My will to live.
    Just as fast as that clarity comes, it's gone. The haziness overtakes my vision, and everything else as well. I don't feel a thing, except... bliss. Exhilarating bliss. Yet it's so serene at the same time. Not cold or hot or even warm. Altogether, steadily slipping away. Drifting. I don't even know if my eyes have closed by now, but little by little, everything fades. Until it's all white.

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