lavender days

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And so September came, but it didn't feel like September at all. Days were too hot, too long and nights were too stormy. And yet despite it, the souls were aching; being torn between the relief of summer days being mercifully prolonged and thus pushing the incredible sadness and nostalgia (which came in pair with them) further away and the longing for foggy mornings, grey afternoons and the cozy feeling of safety, that would be brought along with the promise of coming autumn.

A land of in between, these few days; placed in between the death of summer and rebirth of autumn. A period so short and peculiar that only a few people were able to notice it; the ones whose lives haven't yet begun again. While others have already forgotten about this short time of freedom, coming back to their lives with full force, vicious and cunning as serpents. The few left behind, ghosts were wandering aimlessly through days; almost forgotten shadows of who they used to be, and who they will be in a few days, weeks, and months.

Yes, those lavender colored days, mercilessly ripped off of autumn and made into something they weren't - an extension of summer. These days divided us, into ghosts and serpents. But the balance must be preserved. Everything has its purpose, there's connections between  us all. And so there were connections between serpents and ghosts.

Watching them was quite entertaining I must admit. Watching them struggle, bite and poison each other in the name of things so small and unimportant as getting a partner, or better career opportunities. They didn't see the big picture, they never do, focused on the fragile, on ever-changing everyday pleasures and successes too scared to acknowledge that they could never be owned.

Some of them attacked too fast, or too slow. With too much brute force, or not enough of it. Some did it too soon and some too late. Too subtle, too elaborate or not planned enough. The list of mistakes goes on and on. And they were too busy ripping each other apart to notice that at least half of their attacks didn't hurt anyone else but them, never learning..

Pathetic, really; entertaining but pathetic. Well, their reign was soon to come to an end anyway. As this strange, borrowed time was running out. The real autumn was coming, and with it the real game would begin. We all know that the autumn is a time for snakes, and unfortunate for them, the queen of serpents was ready to play.

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