Dennis Kelley, Security officer

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Dennis slumped in his chair. He looked his new PDA , it hung from his belt and had DENNIS KELLEY, across it. Dennis looked around the almost empty arrival shuttle. A few Station Engineers, one Doctor, and a pair of Assistants. The Assistants where the scum of ever Space station. All they did was beg for credits, or make Dennis's job harder. By either stealing something, in most cases, or by forming a large groups and charging Command. The arrival shuttle shooke for a second, then it began to slow. Dennis looked out the windows on either side of him. He saw his new home, Space Station 14. One of the oldest stations, and one of the most advanced. It had a Research division, a Cargo bay, a Engineering division, a Medical divison and the Security division. All of which surrounded Command. On the top of the station, stood the Captains Quarters, Dennis could almost see a figure standing in the room. As the arrival shuttle drew closer, Dennis undid his safety belt and rose to his feet. He grabbed his backpack from under his seat, and joined the small crowd that was forming around the exit airlock. Dennis noticed that both the Assistants were standing infront of the Airlock. They spoke silently to one another. The one one the right, had short black hair, he was slightly shorter then his companion. The one on the right had blue hair that went to his collar. His hands were in his pockets and Dennis could see he was holding something. Dennis stood a few feet behind them. Dennis
knew that at any second, somethig bad might happen. Dennis would stop both of them just as quickly. Being apart of Security for twenty years, gave Dennis a huge advantage. He could easily subdue both of them, however with the crowd around them, innocent people might be hurt. The Shuttle arrived at the station and the airlock opened. The Assistants were first out the door, and Dennis was behind them. They almost ran to the Securtiy checkpoint. A small office on the side of the hall with Checkpoint, displayed above it. There was only one officer standing there. The officer rose from his seat and waited for te Assistants. Dennis was followed them closely, the rest of the passengers of the shuttle were mainly still at the shuttle. Most took the hint of a Security officer following two suspicious Assistants, and stayed at the shuttle. "What do you want?" The officer said, he had John McDonald, displayed on his PDA. "All access." The Assistant with blue hair said, John chuckled for a second and rose a eyebrow. "Why would I do that?" "You won't, we will." The Assistant said, he threw a small cube inside the checkpoint, and then a explosion destroyed the office. The assistant who threw it jumped inside the office, and the second turned quickly to Dennis and Drew a knife. He stabbed at Dennis's stomach, but Dennis was much faster. He grabbed the Assistants arm and punched his elbow. His arm broke and he dropped the knife. Dennis shoved him down onto the ground and grabbed a pair of handcuffs from his belt and attached the Assistant's hands together. Dennis jumped into the office and tackled the assistant to the ground. Dennis picked up the Assistant and slammed him into the wall and wraped his right arm around his neck. Dennis looked down at John's body. His eyes were open and lifeless. His chest was blown to shreds. Dennis looked at the Assistant. Dennis spun him around, "you just killed a Security officer!" "Good! One less of you shitcurry to worry about!" As he spat into Dennis's face. "That was your last mistake." Dennis said under his breath, he opened the back door of the office, that lead into the maintenance tunnels. Dennis pulled the Assistant by his hair and walked into the tunnels, Dennis had studied the stations map for months, and soon he found his destination. A airlock that lead into open space, and he found the perfect punishment for the Assistant. Dennis slammed him into the airlock and handcuffed him to the bulkhead as Dennis walked to the airlock controls. "Hey shitcurry! You can't kill without the Captain's permission! That's illegal." Dennis grinned at the idiot. "Yes I can, like this" Dennis said as he flipped a switch and the airlock opened and the Assistant flew into space, Dennis held onto the bulkhead and unflipped the switch. The airlock slammed shut, Dennis looked out the viewport and he could see the Assistant expenive a slow, painful death. The only punishment that was fit for killing a Security officer. Dennis walked back the the checkpoint. Once the maintence door opened, Dennis was greeted by a friendly face, Seth Darnel. "Seth! How the hell are ya?" Dennis said reaching towards Seth who grabbed his hand and shook it. Seth hadn't changed at all. He stood slightly taller then Dennis, his hair was buzzed off, but his hat covered it. He wore the uniform of the Detective, large brown trench coat, with a .38 revolver at his hip. He had a long scar going from his right eye to his right ear. His eyes were dark, they hid a past that was covered in blood, similar to Dennis's. But his face lite up when he saw Dennis. "Wondering what your doing here? I heard you retired from Security." Seth said with a raised eyebrow. "I did, but the ex wife kicked me out in the divorce, and Security is my home, no matter what station I am on" "sorry to hear about the wife, but good thing you got here when you did." Seth said, he pointed to the console on the wall. "Do you know what that is?" Dennis looked at it for a second, then shook his head, "that my friend, is a Identifaction terminal. If these traitors weren't stopped, they could have gotten All acces, and who knows what trouble they could have caused." Seth stepped over John's body, and walked out the door into the main hallway. The office was beginning to smell like death, and Dennis followed Seth out the door. Once into the hall, Dennis noticed a Doctor standing over the Assistant who was still in handcuffs. His arm was bent at a weird angle, and his face was red with pain. Seth got next to Dennis and said softly in a low whisper, "he says he had a friend with him. The one that threw the bomb. Where did he go?" Dennis looked at Seth and had a grave look on his face, in a similar voice he replyed, "his friend, is currently drifting away into space." Seth took a step back then looked at Dennis intently. "Damn I am glad to see you, we need a officer like you onboard." He said loud enough so the Assistant could hear. "What did you do with my friend!" The Assistant yelled, Seth pushed the Doctor aside and knelled next to him, "what friend?" Seth said as he rose and grabbed the handcuffs that held the Assistants arms together. "Is he able to go to the brig?" Seth asked the Doctor. "As long as you don't break any more of his bones. He will need to see the brig Doctor once he gets there." "Noted, alright Dennis, let's go." Seth pulled on his cuffs and forced the Assistant onto his feet. Seth began walking down the hall towards Security, and Dennis walked next to him. "How long are you gonna be on the station?" "Honestly, until I get tired of it." "Well I hope you don't any time soon. This station is going to hell." They walked the white hallways of the Station, Dennis breathed in the filtered air. He missed the little things about being on a Space Station. Seth talked into his headset for a second, then a Security Borg, designated Robocop 2.0, approached them. "Take this prisoner to the brig." Seth commanded, in one motion Robocop extended his metal arm and grabbed the Assistant by his broken arm and walked towards Security. "I figured you could use a drink after that little, welcoming party." "As long as your buying." Dennis said with a grin, "what? It's not like you took down a Syndicate operative or anything." Seth said with a chuckle. They walked to the Bar together, luckily it was empty except for te Bartender. He wore a tall top hat and his PDA read, "Philp Tompson", once they walked threw the door, Seth reached into his pocket and took out a cigerate box and stuck on in his mouth. A second later he lite it with a Zippo lighter. "Want one?" Seth offered, "no thanks, only Detectives can smoke on the job. They need something to look cool." Dennis said as he sat in a barstool. "Scotch on the rocks." He said to Philp, who began preparing the drink, "two for me." Seth said, Philp raised a eyebrow but didn't say a word, a few seconds later Dennis had Scotch rolling down his throat and warming his insides. "Why do you keep saying this Station is hell?" Dennis asked as he put down his glass. Seth drank one of his drinks in one gulp then slammed te drunk on the bar. "Because shit like that is happening more often." Seth said, motioning to where they came from. "The Syndicate is hiring anyone they can to take down Nanotransen. Just the other day, we had a Engineer strap a bomb to his chest and he tried to blow the brig up. Luckily, yours truly stopped him." Seth said looking at his second scotch. "That doesn't make sense, how much could they be paying to have people risk death? It's hard to get paid if your dead." Dennis said, sipping his scotch slowly. "That's the question everyone has been asking. But that's not the primary issue, we keep losing officers left and right. Our recruitment rates have almost halved I the last month." Seth signed, he room the cigerate out of his mouth and smushed it into the ash tray infront of him. "these days aren't as good as they used to be." Dennis looked at his friend and tried to lighten the mood, "at least we aren't fighting Xeno's." He said, Seth laughed for a second, "ya, your right. At least we aren't fighting aliens that are ten feet tall and aren't effected by bullets." Seth said with a grin as he finished his second scotch. "That's the spirit. So, are you going to give me a tour of the station or am I going to do it alone?" Dennis said as he rose from te barstool. He reached into his pocket and took out a five credit chip and put it on the bar, next to his empty glass. "Acually you need to head to Securtiy and talk to the Head of Securtiy, he just called for you over the security channel." Seth said as he put a ten credit chip on the bar and walked toward the exit. "Too the HOS, we go then" Dennis said as they walked out of the Bar.

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