John Hanson Head of Security

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John closed his eyes for a moment and imagined being in any place except his office. Maybe his bed, maybe the bar. But John opened his eyes and found he was still in his office. He usually liked his office, but the people that were currently in it where making it a hellhole. "Pay attention!" The Head of personal said, he sat on the other side of Johns desk. Lewis Tarwel. The man who is making John job a lot harder then it should be. "Do you have your report?" Lewis asked with a stupid grin, Lewis knew john didn't have the time to write every report. John was too busy making sure the station didn't descend into anarchy. "No" John said simply, "this is the third time this week. I will tell the captain about this, he won't be pleased." "He will be pleased to see we have stopped two revolutions and a cult attack this month. Your welcome for that" the man behind John said, Harry Philps. The Warden, usually John and him were at each other's throats, however they did set aside there differences to fight a common enemy. "Well that's nice, but neither of you have done anything I demand of you." Lewis stood and glared at both of them, "get me that report by the end of the week, or both of you will be demoted to janitor." He left the room quickly, unfortunately he didn't hear johns responce, "he has only been saying that for five months now." John said under his breath. Harry leaned against the wall, "say that too his face." John turned towards him, "what? So you can have my job?" "Yep, and not soon enough." Harry said, "when is the new guy gonna get here?" "Right now" Dennis said as he walked in the door. Dennis wore a red security jumpsuit, he saluted to John once he stepped into his office. Seth followed behind him and saluted also. Finally the man of the hour was here. "Welcome, Dennis please have a seat. Seth, go gather the rest of the officers and cadets into the briefing room." Dennis sat as Seth saluted again and left the room. "Dennis, your legacy precedes you." His heriosm during the Xeno wars, his decorated service record. John, along with ever other Securtiy officer, knew it by heart. Dennis was a hero. But he was John's subordinate. And john needed to ensure that didn't change. John said, "but that doesn't mean shit here." Harry said, john ignored him. "Dennis as you can already tell, this station has a problem. You have been here less then half a hour and you have already done more then some of my officers." Dennis nooded, "thank you, sir" "I read your report, served in the Xeno wars, part of security for decades. Decorated war hero. You are the thing we need right now. We need a man who isn't afraid to get there hands dirty in presuit of justice." "Thank you sir, how do you want me to clean te station?" "That will be explained in the beifing, you will also see how poorly maned we are." John rose and so did Dennis. John lead them out of his office and into the large briefing room nearby. When John entered the room, it went dead silent. Five Securtiy officers, two cadets, and three detectives, made up security. And it wasn't nearly enough. "Men take your seats" John sat behind the large desk with Harry next to him. Dennis sat in the front row with Seth siting next to him. "Alright men, we hae a new officer here. His name is Dennis, he is very experienced and will help us make the station safe." John paused for a moment, "who has any updates for me?" John asked the room, a officer stood up, Terry Hilor, "Sir the man that Dennis captured has escaped." John felt his blood begin to boil, "explain." "The Borg that was escorting the prisoner, was recently found in the port maintence tunnels, in peices. It's weapons had been stripped and the prisoner was gone. The Ai has check the cameras and hasn't found who, or what, did it." Terry said, "damn, okay we have a big problem here. I don't want someone who can take down a Borg running around the station. Seth, you and your team recover the Borg and find out everything you can. Dennis and Phipps, go with them and keep them safe. Terry and Wesly, behing searching all the tunnels, report anything you find. Keep in contact people. Harry, I want you to contact the robotosists and order them to start making bots. If they say no, make it a order." John looked around the room, "any questions?" The room was silent, "good, dismissed." Everyone stood up and began following there orders, the cadets were the only ones who didn't have a direct order. Cadets weren't trained enough to be a officer, and they barely knew space law. Sending them out would be a death sentence. And they knew it. John walked back into his office and sat behind his desk. He let out a long breath and closed his eyes. This was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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