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Shadow, I need you to promise me that you will not step a foot outside thathouse. Clay's voice echoes in my mind. His tone is filledwith seriousness and concern.
Donot worry Clay, I might be reckless but I am not stupid.
Donot move, I will come and see you as soon as I finish with this meeting business.
Okay,but did Oliver or Stefan say anything to you about to me?
Theyjust told me that I am not permitted to go near the Gamma's house. I am not tosee you until the alphas leave the territory.
ClayHolt, are you disobeying orders? Who are you and what have you done with mybest friend?
I ask sarcastically.
Thatis not even a little bit funny. He grumbles before blocking me from hismind.
Isearch every room in Bellamy's house as I slowly die of boredom. Minutes turnto hours until the man of the house finally shows up. I make my way to theliving room to find his eyes trying to find something, supposedly me.
"Theseare for you; I got them from a girl from the pack house." He hands me a pile ofclothes. He is not even surprised that I somehow left the room Oliver and Stefanlocked me in. He does not give me a second look as he makes his way to thekitchen. I look through them to notice that they have been worn before. Iangrily follow him and prepare to yell my lungs out.
"Youdo not believe I will wear something that belongs to one of your women. Youimprison me in this doom house and you do not bother to at least get me some ofmy clothes. I mean there must be a valid reason why Stefan shamelessly stolethe key to my bedroom door." He turns around to face me with so much anger inhis eyes.
"Incase you have not noticed, you are a prisoner. The only reason you were notlocked up in a cell is because you are Stefan's little sister, and locking thebeta's sister would not look good in front of the alphas."
Imentally scoff at his words, Stefan could not care less whether I lived or diedlet alone if I am freed or detained. There is another reason why I am here.Surprisingly, however, I do not wish to know what it is.
"If you are going to lie, at least tell a liethat I would believe." I mutter under my breath as he turns his back to me. Mywords are enough to make his wolf snap.
"Youhave no right to talk to me like that bitch! You should know your place." Hiseyes start to turn black.
Thatis a record Shadow. You have managed to anger all three men of the high ranksin our pack in what, three days? Accalia voice is filled with amusement.
Well,I am glad you find my misery so entertaining.
Icautiously scan the kitchen to count the exits in which I would need to escapefrom if Bellamy fails to tame his wolf. Fighting him is not an option because Iwould rather my brother know that I have a witch who is actually on my siderather than knowing that I am capable of defending myself and can probablydefeat both him and Oliver in minutes.
Thereason why I am so against wearing these clothes is jealousy. Ever since I wasa little girl, I have dreamed about turning fourteen so I can move in into thepack house, have my own room, and learn to live independently.
Tomy absolute misery, my parents refused the idea the second I proposed it. Theyclaimed that no female of a presentable family would leave her parents' houseunless it is to move into her mate's house. I continuously kept pressuring onthe subject until four years ago when I realized that my family's beliefs donot come from faith but rather mental illness.
Iadmit that I can be a little frustrating at times, but that does not mean thatI care what he thinks about me, I am happy with my life and the way I choose tolive it.
Ittakes him a few minutes, but eventually Bellamy manages to calm his wolf down.His eyes say that he regrets what he said but his mouth remains closed. If youask me he went with the better option because I would not have believed anyword he would have said to me. He is just like his best friends; a liar.
Ihold the clothes tight to my chest and silently make my way outside the kitchenand walk to my temporary room. I know that this is out of character for me, butI cannot risk Bellamy getting angry again, the next time he could give into hisire.
Oncein the bedroom, I close the door and throw myself on the fluffy carpet by thebed. I take a second to actually analyze the room. The walls are painted lightblue, and all the furniture, the bed, the door, the desk, even the frame of themirror, is white. The color of the sheets on the bed is darker than the nightsky. In addition, there is an arm chair by the window. I still have not checkedout the closet, but I do not feel like I need to because I will not use since Ithrew the clothes Bellamy gave me on the desk.
Ittakes Bellamy about an hour to get into his room which is right across the hallfrom mine, and it takes about another two hours until I finally hear hissnores.
WhenI finally feel like my body has taken enough soreness from lying down on thefloor for so long, I get up and decide to have a long bath.
Ifill the bathtub with burning water and wait for it to get a little cooler as Iget undressed. I search through the drawers until a find a few bath-bombs in aglass jar. I grab one, check the water's temperature, drop the bath-bomb, andbury myself under the hot water.
Iimmediately feel my muscles get freed from the tension the day caused. I debatemind-linking Clay or talking to Accalia, but I decide against it. I need sometime to myself, which I happen to seek a lot lately.
Unconsciously,my mind drifts to various things- all old- Even though I have visited thesetopics uncountable times; they are still as troubling as they were when theyfirst consumed my every notion.
Thereis something about this meeting that is forcing me to hold on to hope. Whatthat hope is and why I need to hold on to it is something I have not figuredout yet. I am, however, trying to look at it from a positive perspective. Iwould like to believe that it will eventually earn me my redemption, but I amscared that this flare of hope will end up burning me. Despite the way I act, Iam not as strong as I let on, so I do not believe I would mentally survive it.
WhenI start to have a headache from the speed of my thoughts, I get out of the bathtuband dry myself.
Afew minutes later, I get out of the bathroom all clothed to yelp in surprise.
"Clay,what the bloody hell are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack." Iwhisper-yell at my stupid best friend who sits on the outside edge of thewindow.
Idid not mean to scare you, but I told you I will come to see you.
"Well,you did not say you will sneak up on me like that!" I make my way to the windowso I can make eye contact with him.
Icannot get inside; the gamma will be able to catch my scent if I do.
"That'ssmart." I smirk at him. I pass through the window and sit beside him.
Areyou okay?
"Yes,it is just... it has been a while since I felt this lonely." I get closer to Clayand lean my head on his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around my waist to grantme some comfort.
Youare not alone, not as long as I am here.
"Iknow, what I meant is being trapped in these four walls makes you feel lonely,and it is different from the one you feel when it is relevant to people." Mybest friend does not say anything; he only nods his head before we fall into acomfortable silence.
"Sowhat is going on in the outside world?" I cut the silence but I do not moveaway from Clay.
Sofar, eleven alphas have arrived. They are staying at the second pack house. Therest are expected to arrive in the next couple of days.
Iscoff at the mention of the second pack house. That house caused a lot of teensto go against Oliver. If I had been the person I was four years ago, I wouldhave been one of them. A couple of years ago, Oliver announced that he will bebuilding a second pack house because he noticed that the current pack house atthe time was getting too crowded.
Thenews was so exciting that many members from the pack helped built it. Wheneveryone prepared to move in into the new built building, Oliver declared thathe has reconsidered his last declaration. He decided that it would be best tokeep the second pack house empty in case the Red Eclipse pack has any guests.Suffice to say, Oliver struggled to make his people believe any word he said formonths after that.
"Ihave every confidence in the world that he is showered with pride right nowseeing as that useless house is finally being used, and for the same cause thathe wanted." I spat with hatred.
Pleasedo not disrespect the alpha in the gamma's house. You will be only adding up tomy nerves. This is the second time I disobey a direct order from the alpha.
"Whatdo you mean?"
Well,Alpha Oliver ordered me to not even mind link you during your stay here. Hewants you completely isolated. Luckily, you are not the only one who is capableof disobeying their alpha's orders.
Ithad taken me months to convince Clay to get a spell that is similar to mine,and I could tell that even when he agreed to go through with it, he is still notfond of the idea. I have a feeling, though, that right now he is glad that hedid it.
"Thatbastard, I swear my loathing for that man increases every time I hear hisname." Even Accalia gets a little agitated at the idea of being forced into isolation.
Shadow,anger will not fix or solve anything. If anything it will drive you to dosomething reckless and you could end up in an actual cell.
"Youare not the first person to tell me that today. Thus, it will inevitably happen."I mutter as I move my head from his shoulder. His arm, however does not movefrom its place around me.
Whotold you that? He pulls away from me and looks me in the eye.
''Whois the angry one now?" I smirk at him.
Ittakes a few soothing words and hugs, but eventually Clay's muscles relax.
Iswear you are having a bad influence on me.
"But,you still love me, and let's be honest, you are glad you are friends withsomeone like me; you get to relinquish your obedient mask when you are with me."I mentally smirk to myself knowing that I am right.
"LikeI said, you still love me."
Sadly,you are correct. He takes a look around the house before his attention returnsto me.
Thisis why I will visit you again as soon as I can. For now, I have to go; I cannotrisk anyone seeing me here since everyone knows you are detained here. Hegives me a soft kiss on the forehead before he jumps down soundlessly.
Itake a few moments to register what Clay said. If the whole pack knows that Iam here, and even worse, why I am here, then I will face real hell when I getout of this house.
God,I hate both Oliver and my asshole brother.
Ihate to say this, but at this moment, I agree. Accalia's tone isconflicted. She does not loathe her alpha, she respects him actually, but shestill hates what he has done to her, and let me tell you she is not the onlyone. I just hope I can stay here for the time being without losing the remainingpiece of my sanity.

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