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I sit on one of the many huge rocks by the river. I try to enjoy the nature that is around me, but it is kind of hard to do that when it does not hold any uniqueness in it. It is not ugly, but with a body of water that is surrounded by countless trees and flowers you would expect it to be breathtaking. Thanks to Oliver's disinterest in his territory's appearance the trees have many broken branches, and most of the flowers have shriveled. Nevertheless, I take what I get and I enjoy the quietness while it lasts.
I keep my thoughts clear from everything whether it is good or bad. I forget Stefan, Oliver, my mother, my pack, my life, Clay, Accalia, the murders, the meeting, everything. I allow myself to recreate the things that surround me; I picture them to be as perfect as they can be. The trees stand tall, the flowers are colorful, and the river is as blue as the sky.
Sadly, my serenity is short lived; I sense movement somewhere behind me. I stay still pretending not to notice whoever is trying to sneak up on me.
Prepare to shift if things go south. I tell Accalia and instantly block her without waiting for a reply; I have to be alert.
Minutes pass before I feel someone standing right behind me. Without giving it a second thought I turn around and push the intruder into a tree with all the force I can manage.
"Hello to you too gorgeous." I am met with a handsome young man who is smirking down at me. His accent is really thick indicating that English is not his mother tongue; I reckon he is either Spanish or French.
"Why were you sneaking up on me?" I glare at him.
"I do not mean you any harm, if that is what you are implying." He pulls his arms up in surrender. I take a second to look at his face. He has big green eyes, a tall nose, and light pink lips. His hair is long, so his dirty blonde locks hide his right eye. He is really beautiful; his features are soft yet muscular. I let go of him and take a few steps back.
"I'm Sebastian De Martel; I'm a warrior from Le Pack Lune Noire from France." He offers me his hand to shake. I take it as I look him in the eye.
"Shadow Prior from the Red Eclipse pack."
"I have to say I have never met a she-wolf like you before. You are the first woman I came across who can fight. I must say, I find it intriguing." He gives me a dirty a smirk as he looks over my body.
Shadow please just walk away; we should not talk to stranger males! Accalia pleads.
I am sorry Accalia, but you know that I will not walk away.
"So what brings such a beautiful lady like you here?" His eyes are clouded by lust. Suddenly, my mom's and Stefan's words about my rebellion invade my mind, and just like that a wicked smile appears on my lips.
"Well, I was escaping from the noise and chaos that being around people can bring. What about you?" I reclaim my previous spot.
"I am just waiting for my alpha to summon me; he is talking with your alpha. I actually did not want to come here. In fact, I begged Pier, my alpha to let me stay back home. However, he insisted. Since he is my best friend and my alpha, I could not say no." Sebastian sits next me while keeping a respectful space between us.
"Best friend? Then you must be the beta of your pack." I give him a raised eyebrow.
"Guilty." He chuckles awkwardly as if he is embarrassed to be his best friend's beta. Regardless, I choose to not comment on it.
As the conversation begins to encompass more profound topics, my mind drifts to unpleasant moments from the past; moments that did not affect me emotionally or mentally but for some reason stayed in my mind. They are moments that hunt me whenever I am at my weakest, moments that make me so angry that they drive me to do something repulsive.

"When I was pregnant with you, your father and I agreed to not reveal the gender until the time of birth. When I gave birth to you, we were both disappointed that you were a female. With time, we learned to love you. I cannot believe that you are paying us back for our love by spending your nights outside of your family's home?"

"I should have made your mother miscarry you the second she told me she was pregnant. We would have freed the world from a burden that we are all obliged to bear to protect the family name."

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