Ch 2 :Before the Darkness (new)

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Hope POV :

Hope calling Alaric.

Someone need to get Landon out of this Triad Facility, after he waked up. Someone needs to save Landon.

"I have to jump into the pit, to save everyone, this is the right thing to do", Hope says to herself. " Josie took the Malivor bullet, She is suffering because of me, everyone suffers because of me. What if something happens to her? How can I do that, left her, left them all? Maybe this is my destiny. This is what I'm supposed to do. Jumping into the pit will make them forget about me, they will be better off without me." Hope thought to herself.


Talking to Alaric on Phone.

"Malivore was created by the blood of a werewolf, a witch and a vampire. It used to be that only they could destroy what they created, but nature found a loophole. By making me. The Tribrid. I'm the loophole." Hope said to Alaric.
The Malivore bullet didn't affect her.
But she was more concern about Josie. "Did my blood cure Josie ?" Although she knew the answer, she needed to confirm, she was ok. Especially, when Hope was the one for who Josie was shot, at least according to Hope. When Alaric confirmed her blood cured Josie. Hope was more than sure that she was doing the right thing. She's not a cosmic mistake, and her purpose is clear: She's the answer to all of this. She needs to save the people she loves, and those who love and care for her even more. She can't let anything happen to Landon, Josie, Lizzie, Alaric or Any of her friends. She can help them all.


Hope to try to convince herself and Alaric that she is going the right thing...

Hope tells Alaric that she finally understands why her dad sacrificed himself for her, and furthermore, she finally realizes that she has friends. Maybe she would've realized that sooner if she hadn't been beating herself up for years. Alaric tells her that he's proud of her, and she asks him to have the maintenance staff pack up her room. As for Alaric, he'll need to burn her files. When she does this, she's going to be wiped from their memories, and she needs it to work to keep them from the pain of losing her. Alaric promises to do just that, and she hangs up.

But before she can jump into the pit, Clarke wakes up. Hope, being the badass that she is, decides to do a little mimicking spell. She learned it in second grade. And this way, when she jumps into the pit, Clarke, well, he follows the leader.

Hope POV :

I jumped into the dark pit, Malivour, along with the psycho Clark.


I woke up in endless darkness. I could feel the presence of others, but not see but sometimes I hear them. I don't know how long ago I jumped.
How long have passed in the real world? I don't know if I'm dead or not? I don't know if this is what peace looks like. I remember my mother was at peace, she was happy, but this is not like that.
What am I suppose to do?
Did I save them, my friends?
Or are they in more danger?

I cant stable my head, every thought is coming at once!
If by chance I'm alive, I need to find a way out of here.

Things left unsaid -- Hosie /Posie /HizzieWhere stories live. Discover now