Day 3~ Know Your Fellow Crazy People

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      I hear a knock on my door. I hear the door open as it clicks and swings. An unidentified noise comes closer towards me.

      "Uh, S-Sollux?" The person gulps and takes a breath. "It's, uh, 12 PM. So, you  need to ,uh, get up."

       I groan as I grab the corners of my pillow , putting it over my head. I hear a loud gasp, followed by a gulp.

    "P-please. I,uh, was just, uh um, can you just get up...please?"

        Feeling sympathy for the guy, I rustle the bed sheets off of me and rolled onto my side to get up. "Hey, thanks for wa-huh, oh."

       He left. I feel so stupid for just talking to myself. Too bad I didn't get to see who he was. There is a loud chattering outside, so I step out of the door. I spot Nepeta, she sees me and her eyes widen. What's wrong with me?

      She runs over and pushes me back into my room while closing the door behind her. "What do you think you're doing?"

       "Going out"

    "Sol, you're in your underwear!" I look down. She's right. By instinct, I cover my low half with my hands. I hear her giggle.

      "You are so out of it. You silly boy." She reaches up to pap my head. "Get dressed." She leaves my room.

    I was blushing brightly. What an embarrassing situation. Who saw that? How will I ever live knowing strangers have seen me in my bee undies? Will Nepeta tell those who didn't see? What if someone cute saw me like this? Hey, the possibilities are endless.

    Anyways, I slip on my jeans, its really cold here, as I look myself in the mirror. I try to fix my hair, but without gel its impossible. Has anyone seen my glasses? Nevermind, I found them. Now, I'm ready.

     I turn the knob and push the door open. Instead of hearing laughter, I hear a set of hands clapping.

     "That's more like it. Too bad no one is here to see."

      "Where is everyone?"


    "What about you?"

   "My appointment is later. Tavros is with my therapist right now."

   "So, you'll be gone in a while?"

   "Yes, but fur only 2 hours." I sink down inside. 2 hours is a long time. "You will have to start and befuriend people. Choose wisely though."

        This is going to be hard. "How? What if I left someone insane? Or worse."

       "I shall teach you. Are you more comfortable with guys or girls?"

    "Both is fine."

    "Starting with the girls will be harder. We are deadly creatures." Nepeta quickly goes to the little office in front of us and asks for pen and paper. "Now, first we have Vriska Serket, she has anger issues. Her little minion, Terezi Pyrope, has ADHD. They can both be very dangerous if you get on their bad side."

    I cringe. Girls scare me enough already. Now, they're rabid. Much conflict there. "I should stay clear of them right?" She nods.

         "You can try and intimidate Vriska though. She hates when people confront her." On the paper, she scribbled a girl with devil horns and flames. Next to her, was a short girl with a crazy smile and triangle glasses. "Sorry, I am not much of an artist."

    "Its fine." I tell her this, but I feel she is still feeling a bit unsatisfied." How about a guy next?"

        "Of course. Then, we have Gamzee Makara, he is a druggie. Poor thing thinks he is a clawn. Or that could just be normal for him. Nobody really knows. He is furry nice and chill though. Even if he is a giant drunk crack head." I laugh. So far, everyone here is crazy. "He can be violent though. So, watch out."

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