Chapter 1: The Garden

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Bird's chirped and sang happily as the smell of morning dew hung in the air, pale skin happily took in the warmth of the sun that beamed down on the beautiful land full of flowers and kind creature's of all sort's. Feet stomped against the ground as a woman ran happily, bearly anything covered her naked body except her hair.

The woman laughed joyfully as she knelt down, placing her knee's on the green grass that covered the large field. She peered down at the flowers that sprouted out of the ground, fully bloomed with their delicate petal's. She used her index finger to gently stroke the small flowers that were in front of her, this place was always so beautiful and the sun's heat never seemed to wipe the bright smile off her face. "Hawwah." Said a voice calmly, said girl took her attention away from the flower's as she looked up to see a humanoid figure of a being bearing long hair on it's head along with a robe. No matter how hard she squinted her eye's she was unable to see a face, just a dark outline of someone she has grown to worship, "Yes?" She replied. "I've noticed you're separation from your siblings." The figure said as they outstretched a hand towards a crowd of people by a flowing river, "Did the elders inform you?" Hawwah asked with a raised brow as the figure nodded. "Why do you isolate yourself this way?" The figure asked as Hawwah stood to her feet, "It gets quite boring..." She trailed off as she looked out into the distance before continuing her sentence. "I suppose it's become tiresome to me just sitting near the river all day, doing nothing but swimming with the Salmon in the water or chatting with the others, I find exploring the garden much more appealing. I'm sorry." Hawwah now looked to the ground, pouting like a child would when they've been scolded by their mother or father.

Although that pout instantly disappeared once she felt a hand gently pet the top of her head, she looked up to the figure who looked down at her, "Hawwah. There's no harm in being a curious and adventurous soul, but you must be cautious my dear. Remember that." The figure said to her as she nodded. "Now, I must go check on your siblings and elders." The figure walked off towards the river where the rest reside.

"Hawwah..." A much more raspy and tired voice called out from behind, the woman turned around to try and locate the source of the voice, however she was greeted by nothing but a tree that bore fruit's. Her curiosity urged her to near the tree but she knew better. She instead walked towards the river, turning her back to what was known as the forbidden tree. The fruit's held the history of envious individual's of the past.

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