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"Is that is? That's the Obscurial thing?" Jacob stared in shock as the black cloud whooshed past nearly hitting the building we were stood on top. There was a wall around the edge of the building and Newt being Newt was stood on it looking at the city. 

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I've ever heard of." Newt watched it fly around as Tina joined him on the wall. "If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything you need to know is in there or Megan will tell you," He handed Tina a book and the case.

"What," Tina and I were thinking the same thing.

"Their not killing it." Newt then jumped off the building and disapperated while Tina called after him. I didn't say a word. 

"You heard him. Look after them." Tina yelled before shoving the case into Queenie's hands and disapperateing. I could just see where she apperated on the ground.

"Bye!" I waved running and jumping off the building but shifting mid fall and flying where I had seen Tina go. I glided down to a tipped up car but saw Newt and tilted sightly so that I'd land next to him. I could tell he was mad I was there but didn't bother telling me off. Grindelwald or Graves whatever you want to call him, was talking to the Obscurial. Muggles were running in all directions, terrified. 

"Newt," Newt looked at Tina who was behind a car in a similar state." Save him." Tina then ran towards Graves leaving Newt and I behind the car. 

I looked at the Obscurial  hard. It was terrified. A plan formed in my head. Newt was still thinking hard of what to. "I can scare it somewhere safer," I said not taking my eyes off the obscurial. Newt looked at me. I thought he was going to say no but he just nodded. "Try and find a small building or something." he answered. 

I shifted back into dragons form and flew level to the obscurial. I took a deep breath and roared. That got it away from the muggles on the ground. It flew high and away but I flew close behind it all the time looking for somewhere for us to land. A green shelter caught my eye. A train station. It flew above the obscurious and it dived down. I gave it time to change into human form before doing the same and following him inside. 

 The train station was dull and smelt damp. I could hear the boy gasping  just around the corner like he was struggling to breathe. "Are you Okay?" I asked while quietly poking my head around the corner. "Sorry I scared you. My Dad is coming to help," I continued. It felt strange saying it out loud. I could just see the boy crouched in a ditch by the side of the tracks. "He's good at helping people, and beasts." I heard footsteps coming down the steps that led onto the train station.  The boy started panicking even more. I ducked back behind the corner as I heard him change back into the dark mass. I saw Newt just as he stepped down the last step and pointed around the corner.

"Credence..." Newt started, standing behind a pillar. "It is Credence, isn't it? I'm here to help you Credence, I'm not here to hurt you. I've met someone just like you, Credence. A girl... a young girl," Newt continued. "who'd been imprisoned. She had been locked away, and she'd been punished for her magic." the Obscurious changed back into a boy. He was kneeling ,shaking with sadness and fear. "Credence. Can I come over to you? Can I come over?" Newt was close to crying. He had time to look at me and see the look in my eyes before he was hit by a white spell. 

Newt was tossed into the air and the boy got up to run. I shifted the new person hadn't seen me yet. Graves was walking towards Newt like he had already won the battle. Newt jumped up and ran from more shots but the man shielded himself from Newt's attack.  Newt was forced onto the tracks and in front of Credence . He turned for one moment to check he was okay but Graves took that chance and pulled the tracks up trip Newt up. He yelped as he fell and Graves pounded spell after spell at Newt. The boy ran around a corner.  

Dragon at heart Book 1 (Fantastic Beasts)Where stories live. Discover now