Chapter 1 - The Beginning of All Things

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I was just four years old when I built the walls of my fortress. Hard, cold, solid stones pieced it together. Time, sweat, blood, and tears went into its creation. It was grueling work, but it had to be done. I couldn’t let myself be hurt again. The pain was just too much. I had to pull myself out of harm’s way.

Growing up, people always told me to trust others. I was told not keep anything hidden. To share even my deepest darkest secrets with those I loved. They told me it was healthy to be open with others. Told me it would make things easier if I would just tell someone. They lied.

Do you know what it’s like to be betrayed? To have the one you love the most take their sharpest dagger and drive it straight into your back, right through your heart? To have your hopes, your dreams, your wishes, your very soul crushed into a thousand pieces? Do you know what it’s like to feel defeat? I do.

I built my fortress before they could fully break me. I, Adelaide Tomlinson, didn’t run, didn’t hide, didn’t fight, just…defended, with nothing more than a shield.

I was only a child, still oblivious to the world around me, and they broke almost every fiber of my cold broken body. The day they took me from my brother was the day I abandoned hope.

They threw me in that dark, wet, dusty van. I couldn’t see anything. There was nothing for me to hold onto. I had nothing, not a single thing to cling to. Except my thoughts. My own memories were what forced me to begin building the walls.

The last memory I have of my brother before I was taken, is of him screaming. They beat him, broke his lively spirit. I remember his eyes. Those misty blue eyes clouded over as he choked back tears. He was only six when it happened. How was he supposed to know how to react?! All he knew was that I was in danger and he had to rescue me.

That’s my brother: the handsome, daring, courageous prince charming. It’s been years since I’ve seen him, but every game we played as kids, he would always be the prince and I was the damsel in distress. He rescued me from dragons, trolls, thieves, evil wizards, high towers, fiery dungeons… He loved fairytales.

I used to lie awake at night, thinking of what he’s like now. Has he found his princess yet? Is he happy? Is he as protective of her as he was of me? Did he ever reach his dream of being a famous actor? He used to sing me lullabies at night, is he still singing now? Mom was pregnant with a girl when they took me, what’s her name? Is she beautiful? Does she know about me? Did mom have any more kids after her? Did I get another brother, or more sisters? Are they handsome or beautiful? Are they all happy? Are they still looking for me?

Are they still looking me? No. They stopped years ago. Moved on with their lives and kept going. I imagine they still think about me from time to time, but they’ve stopped searching. I’m just a memory now.

The men who took me, brought me to America, to a place I never even knew existed. They raised me in the small town of Bridgewater, Virginia. I left there once I turned 16. As soon as I got my driver’s license, I was gone. Went to New York, bought an apartment, and got a job at a coffee shop. I’ve been here for almost a year now. Cleaning tables, taking orders, fixing drinks; that’s my life now. It’s better than my old one.

I was beaten, abused, tortured. I went to school like a normal girl, made friends, got good grades, but I never told anyone about what life was like at home. I never let anyone come to my house. I went to theirs or we went around town, never my house. I never told anyone my secrets, but they gave me theirs like it was a game and there was some prize for whoever could tell me the most. For whoever could spill to me their worst secrets, the ones they were most ashamed of. I abandoned those people and forgot their secrets. They weren’t important to me.

I have one friend here. Sarah Winters is the real life version of Snow White. Every little thing about her screams the name of the fairytale princess. She works the shop with me, and Mitchell, our tall dirty blonde haired and green eyed manager. He inherited the place from his dad. He’s been working here since he was 10. He’s now 23 and he and his girlfriend Jen have been together for almost two years, but that doesn’t mean neither Sarah or I occasionally stare at him from behind the counter on our slow days. He used to flirt with me when I first started working at Cloud Nine Coffee.

“Addie,” he’d call from behind the register.

“Yeah Mitch?”

“Are those new jeans?” He would ask as he gestured at my legs.


“Looking good,” he’d grin and bite his bottom lip.

“Thanks Mitch. You’re not too bad yourself.” I’d say with a smirk and stand on my tippy-toes to see his legs behind the counter. “Loving the bright green boxers.”

His face would always instantly flush a deep shade and he’d quickly tug his pants up. But, I’ve never liked Mitch as more than a friend. I’ve seen his bad days, I could never like him as anything more after those.

My first day was almost four months ago. I’ve gotten closer with both Sarah and Mitch in that time. Neither of them has yet to enter into my fortress. Only I have ever seen behind these walls. But today, things might be different. Cause today’s the day I’ll see my brother for the first time in over almost 12 years and he still has no idea I’m even alive.

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