Chapter 18 - The Wild One

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            I toss back the liquid in the glass and slam it down on the table. The guys eye me cautiously, ready to jump in at any moment. I plant both my hands firmly on the table in front of me and lean against them. A hand slips around my back, but I don’t look up. I know its Niall. It’s always Niall.

            “She looks like she’s gonna be sick,” Harry mutters and turns to Louis. “Maybe this was a bad idea. I mean, this is her first time. Maybe we should have gone a little easier…”

            The rumble starts low, right at the pit of my stomach, then gargles its way up. A smirk plays across my lips and I lift my eyes to connect with my brother’s. His narrow slightly, trying to read my expression, but before he can get anywhere, my lips part and the rumbling comes to the top of my throat.

            The sound that escapes my mouth should probably be classified as canine, or Jurassic. But, the second it’s done: the widest, brightest smile spreads across my face.

            “Nah,” Louis says and mimics my smile. “I think she’s good.”

            Another bubble ripples up from my stomach, but when it escapes, laughter wracks my body and I clutch Niall’s left shoulder to steady myself. The boys join me and soon we’re calling for a second round and refilling our glasses, ready for another shot.

Next thing I know, we’re in the center of the dance floor. My hips rock back and forth as the music pounds in my ears. My muscles move on their own and it’s like I’m a different person. I don’t know why, but I think I like her better than the real me.

            A body molds into mine from behind and I look up. Harry smiles down at me and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. His hands slide around my waist and he moves my hips in rhythm with his. I close my eyes and let the music move through me.

            I don’t remember the song ending, or leaving the dance floor, but the next second I’m in a booth at the back of the club. The lights on the floor bounce off the walls and I squint to focus on the person sitting across from me. A hand pushes their blonde hair up and curls their fingers around the fine locks. Niall brings his hand back down and links the fingers of both his hands together and rests them on the table before him. He raises his head and watches me closely with those bright, piercing blue eyes of his.

            His eyebrows furrow together and I cock my right eyebrow curiously. After a minute of just watching me, he sighs and drops his head.

            “You don’t know why you’re here, do you?”

            “Should I?”

            He groans and I know I’ve answered incorrectly. I didn’t mean to. I really don’t know why I’m here. Come to think of it, I don’t even know why I’m in the club to begin with!

            I lift my tingling hands and turn them over, studying them. My head feels dizzy and I scan the table. Three empty shot glasses sit in a cluster before me. This can’t be good…

            “Look,” Niall sighs again and lifts his head. “Addie.” My eyes widen. He has my full attention, or…at least what’s left that I can control. “You said you had something important to tell me.”

            I nod, but…I don’t know why. I have nothing to say.

            “Can you remember what it was?”

            I tilt my head and think. I sift back through memories of the night, but there are very few and they’re quickly fading.

            “Well,” I mumble, trying to buy some time. “What were we talking about before?”

            “Umm…” He drops his eyes as he too tries to remember what’s no longer there.

            “Oh wait!”

            Niall jerks his head up and I giggle.

            “You remember?” He asks eagerly.

            “Well sort of,” I mumble. He groans and folds his arms over the table. He drops his head and rests it on top of them. I sigh and reach toward him. My right hand rests gently on top of his head and my fingers knit into his shaggy blonde hair and push it back. I slowly pull my hand away and run it down his arm. I rub it gently, soothingly, for him and for me.

            “I think,” I say quietly. “I think I was going to tell you about home.”

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