Rest Up

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Ethan placed a light kiss on Sub's forehead before jerking him forward.
When Sub hit the ground Ethan quickly got up behind him and smashed the scissors into Sub's back next to the recently made hole in his back.
Sub coughed uncontrollably, panting loudly. Ethan did anything he could to hold back his tears, wiping his eyes a few times to get them out of his foggy vision.
He twisted the scissors hoping that'd be enough to kill Sub. It wasn't.
Ethan kept stabbing at random until he hit Sub's heart, making Sub stop struggling instantly.

"Sub?" Ethan's voice squeaked as he crawled over to the disfigured body of the one he loved.
Ethan played with Sub's hair watching intently as his wounds mended themselves.
Sub got up with scars on his recent stab wounds. His young was repairs and hit jaw was in place. In Ethan's eyes he was perfect, even with his blurred vision from his tears.
Sub was panting like a crying sound. When Ethan wiped the remaining tears out of his eyes he saw drops of water fall from under Sub's blindfold.
Sub feeling the warm tears fall down his cheeks felt hurt, but happy he was able to show it.
Ethan took Sub into his arms hugging his scared body tightly, shushing him and kissing his forehead.
Sub faced towards Ethan and brought their lips together, though a little off.
That moment was the happiest moment in Ethan's life at the time.
Their moment was interrupted by a familiar voice cutting the scene and burning it.

"No way." One of Ethan's enemies said in a shaky voice.

"Get out of here Trevor. I'm not letting you lay a finger on him." Ethan hissed, hardly above a whisper. He tightened his grip on Sub hitting a bruise making Sub flinch.

"You can talk?" Trevor said his voice going high at the end of the sentence. Ethan just nodded turning away. Sub felt Trevor's eyes on him he wanted to run away and hide from his line of vision.

"Can I see it?" Trevor asked breaking the silence.

"It?" Sub could tell Ethan was getting annoyed and tried everything he could to calm him down, next thing he new he was being touched by this Trevor character.

"Wow. He's kind of cute if you see him as a human with a blindfold." Trevor huffed out like he was in dee thought.
Every time Trevor touched Sub he would righted his grip he now found on Ethan's shirt.

"Your parents are worried."

"I know."

"Do you mind i-"

"Will you stop touching him?! You're scaring him!" Ethan swatted away Trevor's lingering hands.

"I was just going to ask if I could join you. I want to help this sub." Sub long since looked away but still felt Trevor's eyes beaming at him. When thinking over the suggestion he quickly shook his head, feeling dizzy when he stopped.

"Okay well I can see why." Trevor shook his head and stood up leaving the boys in the alleyway alone.
Thinking about what's coming next, or if what they did was a mistake.

"We leave at night fall. Get some rest." Ethan said patting Sub's head. Sub was already asleep and Ethan's harmless pat made his night mare even worse.

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