Cat Got Your Tongue?

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Sub and Ethan quietly shuffled to a alleyway only problem is it wasn't the closest thing to the fight.

They moved slowly hardly noticeable at first glance. Every time Ethan's hand brushed against Sub's his face would hear up and he wasn't sure why, he's never felt that feeling before.

He didn't know how to react or if he should tell once he learned to write, Sub was so caught up in thought he didn't hear Ethan shuffle into the alleyway and ended up hitting the back of his head on the corner of the brick building.

Ethan quickly dragged Sub into the alleyway with him rubbing his head where he hit it. Sub's face lit up and out of embarrassment he tried to hide it by covering his face with his hands.

Sub didn't understand, why was his face so warm? Ethan took Sub's still burnt hands and placed them in his lap, he pressed his forehead against Sub's making Sub jerk back almost falling over.

"Where the hell did they go?!" The feminine voice echoed off the buildings waking up the rest of the people who weren't already awake.

Sub felt his heart stop when he felt the warmth of the morning creep up his body. The alleyway was empty with the sun showing threw it, their shadows giving them away. Ethan gabbed one of Sub's burnt hands making Sub gasp from the sudden pressure on the wound.

Ethan lead Sub down the unknown alleyway where they would for sure find gangs or prostitutes.

Just like their luck ever sense they met they ran into a gang.

"Kids shouldn't be playing around these parts f the kingdom." A man hissed saliva escaping his mouth and landing on the boys.

"Look at this shrimp." Laughed another man with such a deep voice it almost sounded like thunder, a giant hand came down on Sub's head gripping hair. He stumbled back running into the man himself. The man's muscles were much bigger than any of the guards or warriors.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" The man from before laughed at the mutes.

"We have cats right?" The man holding back Sub snickered.

"Yes we do."

Before Sub could react his head was pulled down with amazing amounts of force almost breaking his neck, Ethan grabbed Sub's head and tried pulling it forward.

"Back off kid!" Another man hissed restraining Ethan, Sub began to quiver with fear having his head, arms, and legs pulled back.

A man sat on his chest to get a better look at him. Sub could hear Ethan struggling against the man holding him back.

The man on top of him fixed his mouth open grabbing his tongue, the mans fingers were covered in dirt, rotten food, trash, and blood. The man pulled out his tongue as far as it could come out of his mouth.

Sub heard the sound of scissors snipping together. He began to fight trying to turn to kick anything, nothing worked.

"Get one that kid! One man can't just hold him down!" The man on top of Sub barked the others around him obeyed and tried to contain Ethan's rage.

The man got back to work, cutting a piece of Sub's tongue off, then another small piece. The man cut the pieces into small triangles. It's been a while since Sub tasted blood, feeling flesh go down his throat.

"Damn this kid is tough he ain't even crying." Said the muscular man tightening his grip on Sub's hair. Sub felt the scissors reach down into his throat, the man's hand was practically in Sub's mouth. Then snip. The man began to cut threw Sub's digestive system, cutting holes in his throat choking Sub with his hand. Sub heard his own jaw snap off its hinges and hang there useless.

He felt the scissors cut from the very bottom of his throat threw the flea and out his back. He tried to cough up the blood but it just came out his back.

"No! Stop!" Ethan's hardly familiar scratchy voice yelled. He began to cough from the use of his not so well vocal cords. Sub heard Ethan fight for him, he just wished he could do the same.

"I don't think so." The man holding the scissors down Sub's throat hissed. He yanked the scissors out of Sub's throat and stabbed Ethan in the stomach.

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