Deck the Halls

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"Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa la la la la la la la la!"

"Changeling! Please!" Raven had a headache and his loud singing was making it worse.

"Cheer up, Rae! It's Christmas!"

"Christmas isn't for another three days." She massaged her temples and glared at him.

"You're bummin me out, babe."

Her eyes widened. "Don't call me that."

"What? Babe? Why not, babe?"

She grabbed the front of his sweater and pulled him close. "Stop it!"

He grinned. "But you're my babe, babe."

Her eyes turned red. "Why do you insist on bothering me?!"

"I'm bored?" He lifted a green brow.

She let him go. "Then find another way to amuse yourself. I'm not a game to play."

"Aww please!" He wrapped his arms around her waist and walked her backwards to her bed.

"No." She tried to stop their movement but he steamrolled her.

"That sounds like yes."

"You heard what you wanted to."

"Yeah." He couldn't go any further so he lifted her onto the bed then splayed himself across her.

"This was never about bothering me, was it? You just wanted to lie on top of me."

His grin widened. "You know me so well."

She smirked. "Can't let your hard work go to waste."


Charlotte climbed onto the sofa next to Bumble Bee, who was feeding Calvin. "Where's my mommy and daddy?"

"I don't know, sugar. Have you checked their rooms?" Bumble Bee tried to shove a spoonful of applesauce into her son's mouth but he turned at the last second, getting it all over his face.

Charlotte nodded. "I couldn't open Mommy's door."

Bumble Bee frowned. "I wonder why?"

Charlotte shrugged. "I don't know."

"Do you want to help me feed Cal until they show up?" Bumble Bee was getting frustrated with her son's game.

"Okay." Charlotte crawled closer.

"Here. You take the spoon." She gave her the blue coated spoon.

Charlotte grabbed the spoon.

"Now dip it in the applesauce."

Charlotte dipped it in the applesauce and brought out a large portion.

Bumble Bee giggled at her intense concentration. "Now you try to get him to eat it."

Charlotte brought the spoon to Calvin's mouth but he waved his arms, knocking the spoon onto the sofa cushions. Charlotte was shocked by this. "He hit it!"

Bumble Bee chuckled. "He did."

Charlotte picked up the spoon. "No, Cal. You gotta eat it."

Calvin blew bubbles and waved his arms.

Charlotte set her face as she scooped up more applesauce. It was on!


Changeling and Raven walked into the common room then stopped and laughed (at least Changeling did).

It looked like an apple had exploded.

Merry Christmas, Charlie Logan!Where stories live. Discover now