Chapter 5

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Brianna POV

My uncle Anthony just picked me and Zi up from school.

When we got home, my dad was there with the rest of my uncles and a few of his friends who are just like my uncles because they grew up with my dad.

I went straight up to my room to change into some comfortable clothes.

I decided to log onto my computer to check my grades.

Most of them were good except for my math and my English class. Now, I know I struggle in math and so does my dad but I have never really struggled in English. This teacher is just an asshole. I swear he irks my soul. We have never got along and he always picking at me. So today, I told him he looked like a deer stuck inheadlights. He gone say sum, "I'm calling your dad after school today". I mocked him and he gave me a referral. He lucky I say what I was really thinking.

I'm already knowing I'm going to hear my dad's mouth about this though.

I went downstairs to the living room. Everyone but my dad was in here.

Me: Where did dad go?

Uncle Mike: He just got a call.

"Damn. That bitch was dead ass serious when he said he was gone call." I mumbled more to myself but I think I was a little bit louder than I thought I was.

Uncle Isaiah: Who?

Me: My English teacher.

Zion: Mr. Kelly?

Me: Yes. He irks my soul bro.

Uncle Mike: What did you do?

Me: Okay so this what happened. He gave us this assignment to work on. It was supposed to be done by yourself but when he was explaining it, he was talking too fast. So I respectfully asked him to slow down. Did he? No. So when he was done, I asked one of my friends who sits next to me we needed to do on one of the specific parts. And he started coming at me for talking. I'm just like okay whatever. I ignored him and kept working on the assignment when he came and bent down by my desk. I wasn't trying to talk but he was still standing there staring. So I told him he looked like a deer stuck in headlights and he needed to get out my face. He says he's gonna call my dad after school so me being me with my smart mouth, I mocked him and he gave me a referral.

Uncle Ty: Why you tell that man he look like a deer stuck in headlights?

Me: Cause he did.

They was all laughing. I'm glad they find this funny but the one person who I know is not gonna find it that hilarious is my dad.

Speaking of him, here he comes now.

Let me just say a quick prayer before he snatch my ass up.

Dad: Bri, what happened at school today?

Me: I got into an argument with my English teacher.

Dad: Why did you argue with him?

Me: Because he got mad that I was asking a friend for help on one of the parts of the assignment after he wouldn't help me when I tried to ask. He tried to call me out for talking and I just ignored him because I knew he was looking for a response but then he came over to my desk and squatted down next to me just staring so I told him he looked like a derr stuck in headlights and then he said he was gonna call you. I mocked him when he said that, the whole class started laughing and he gave me a referral.

Dad: Do he always pick at you?

Me: Yes. I know he doesn't like me so I try not to do anything in his class because he'll give me a detention or referral for the smallest thing.

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