Take Me Dancing

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Chapter Four

Take me dancing. Play that old guitar and we will sing.

“How 'bout this one?” I did a twirl in a bright red dress once I stepped out of the dressing room. Jack looked up wearily from his phone and then dropped it. He kept his eyes on me, not even bothering to pick up the phone. His hand was still in the same position when he dropped it.

“Um,” I tapped my shiny white heel a couple times. “Is it too much? I know that it's a bright color and I'm usually not one who likes attention on themselves but I just like it a lot and I don't know...” I trailed off, giving myself a glance in the mirror. 

I turned back to Jack who was now smiling mischievously. “You know, if you and Alex weren't a thing, I'd have to make you mine.” 

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Jack, what are you babbling about now?” 

“That dress. You in that dress,” he stopped, a low whistle coming from his lips. “It's enough to make a man fall in love. Alex will fall in love the second he sees you.”

I immediately pivoted around so Jack didn't see the blush that was now flaming in my cheeks. I waited a few seconds before facing him again. 

“Jack, I'm dating Jeremy. Alex and I are not a 'thing'.”

“After tonight you will be if you're wearing that dress,” Jack smirked. I tried to give him a convincing glare but I realized it's really hard to stay mad at someone like Jack.

“So is that a yes to the dress?” I shyly smiled and did another spin, feeling the dress fly up and brush against my legs. 

“That's a hell yes to the dress.”


I scrubbed at the plate again and again with the now grimy sponge and took a loud sigh. “Jack, what the heck did you put on this plate?” 

Jack looked up from the TV, looked at me, looked at the plate, and shrugged innocently. I put the plate back in the sink, not even bothering. 

“Hey, what's cooking?” Alex came up beside me and leaned over the pot I had placed carefully on the stove. He took a big sniff and a smile settled on his  face. 

“Spaghetti,” he announced excitedly. He grabbed the plate in the sink and the second sponge and began to scrub unsuccessfully. The soap was getting all over his faded t-shirt as he furiously rubbed the stubborn plate. 

“God damn it Jack, what did you eat?” Alex yelled, clearly frustrated.

Jack turned to both of us, giving the same infamous shrug.

Alex shook his head and returned the plate to where it will most likely always stay from now on. “You know, all I wanted to do was help out with the dishes but of course Jack has to indirectly mess that up for me.” 

I laughed, rinsing out the sponges and setting them to the side. I faced Alex now, my palms resting on both sides of the cold sink. 

“What time are we going dancing?” I asked. 

“I was thinking ten-ish. That way we can get there when all the excitement is just getting started. Because one of the worst things in the world is when you get somewhere and it takes a good twenty minutes for everyone to get 'situated' and actually begin to party. If I'm going to a club, I'm gonna dance as soon as I get there. In fact, I'll dance as I enter,” Alex flung open the fridge door and snatched a couple grapes, popping them in his mouth one at a time.

I shook my head at him and chuckled.

“Don't tell me you're one of those people who needs to get 'situated',” Alex said in a serious warning tone but a smirk played at his lips. 

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