iv. lets go for a swim.

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the kids aren't alright.
chapter four, lets go for a swim !


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THE TRIP WAS STARTING TO BORE SYDNEY HALE. of course, having jasper and monty there helped with her boredom the slightest bit, but she was still really bored. not to mention the fact that she was starting to get a terrible headache that felt like someone had just shot her between the eyes. she had this feeling regularly, it was almost not normal. but she had convinced miller not to take her to medical on the ark. she just waved it off as an 'anxiety' thing.

she rubbed her eyes, listening to finn carefully as he asked another question that literally no one had the answer to. "you know what i'd like to know? why send us down today after ninety seven years? what changed?"

"who cares?" octavia shrugged nonchalantly. "i'm just glad they did. i woke up in a cell, and now i'm spinning in a forest," sydney smiled as octavia spun around a tree, a small giggle leaving her lips. but octavia began to frown as finn ignored her. sydney gave her a small shrug, linking arms and continuing to walk forward. octavia gave her a smile of appreciation.

"maybe they found something on a satellite," monty suggested, sydney looking back at him. he was so smart that it kind of made her envy him. kind of. they still didn't know a lot about her and who she is, unlike raven reyes and nathan miller.

"the ark is dying," everyone went quiet and stopped, staring at clarke in shock, but she continued to walk, ignoring their stares. "at the current population level, theres roughly three months left of life support. maybe four now that we're gone," sydney couldn't help but look at the ground as her stomach dropped. monty sighed, hanging an arm over her shoulders and rubbing her arm comfortingly whilst they finally continued to follow clarke.

"so that was the secret they locked you up to keep, locked you in solitary," finn nodded in understanding, gulping when his last question came to the surface. "floated your old man?"

"my father was the engineer who discovered the flaw," clarke began to explain. "he thought the people had a right to know. the council disagreed, my mother disagreed. they were afraid it would cause a panic. we were gonna go public anyway, when wells..." sydney's lips fell agape at clarke's words, wells had told, spilled, broken their friendship. and honestly, sydney wasn't that surprised. so everyone ignored finn when he asked. "anyway, the guard showed up before we could. thats why today. thats why it was worth the risk. even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time."

"they're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" sydney looked up at monty, the boy already turning down to look at her with the same unrecognisable look. sadness, anger, guilt?

"i hope not," sydney mumbled, shaking her head whilst looking down her fingers, fiddling.

"good," octavia said almost carelessly. no, never mind, she was careless. she didn't give a crap. "after what they did to me, i say float them all."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now