Chapter 3: The Day of the Explosion: Part 2

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The group slowly approached the forest as a thick layer of clouds began to block out the sun. Serena was the first to dash into the forest, calling out Ash's name in despiration.

"Ash! Ash, where are you!" As she ran past a large elm tree a figure emerged from behind it, grabbing her and covering her mouth. Serena then turned her head to see a tall woman with a bob-cut and glasses. Upon her dark suit was a large "R." 

"It's alright, little girl." Matori spoke in a menacing whisper. "Giovanni is just in need of a little leverage." Serena looked upon the women with panik it her eyes. She tried to squirm free, to make any noise at all, but to no avail.

Matori guided Serena into a small clearing where Giovanni stood in a day glow orange business suit with his arms crossed and his back turned. In front of him was what seemed to be a large observatory. Although, instead of housing a large telescope, it was instead topped with an enormous laser. He turned his head to gaze at Serena's terrified face with one eye. "Don't worry. This will all be over soon.

Just then, the rest of the group emerged from the trees. They all stared helplessly at the situation unfolding in front of them. Gary, however, was not about to take this situation sitting down. "Stop this now Giovanni, while you still can."

The orange suited man once again looked toward his weapon. He raised his left hand and snapped his fingers. With the command the laser turned toward the collection of friends. "Why should I stop?" Giovanni questioned sarcastically. "And when I'm having so much fun."

"I think someone needs to show you the meaning of the word." Everyone looked to see Ash now enter from the side of the clearing with his faithful partner on his shoulder.

"Oh, it seems the real test subject has finally arrived." Giovanni smirked as he watched Ash's eyes widen in fear.

Ash watched in horror as the laster swung around and zapped pikachu off of his shoulder. A large bang was heard as pikachu was flung back into the nearest tree. As he fell a small dust cloud surrounded him. Ash mentally cursed himself for leaving the rest of his Pokemon at Proffesor Oak's lab.

"Pikachu!" The trainer cried as he ran over to his best friend. As he approached he saw that the mouse was sparking. As the pokemon looked up Ash saw that his friend's eyes were now completely white and utterly filled with hate.

"Pikachu? Buddy are you-" Ash was cut off as a thunderbolt struck him, sending electricity throughout his veins. Tears fell from Ash's eyes as he began trying to reach out to his partner. "'s ok...i-it's me...A-Ash."

Giovanni laughed at the sight. Meanwhile, Ash's friends and family feared the worst for the boy.

The electric attack suddenly cut short as Ash fell to the ground. The yellow creature cried out in pain as he tried endlessly trying to gain control of its own mind.

Ash had hope. "Pikachu! If you can hear me use thunderbolt tword the sky." Ash pleaded weakly. "Give it everything you've got."

With that, a thick yellow streak illuminated the sky. Shortly after, the pokemon again cried out in pain. The shrill sent shivers down the spines of everyone, including Giovanni and Matori. It seemed that there was little else that could be done.

"And what may I ask was that supposed to do, Ash Ketchum?" The man spat the words with venom, almost laughing.

The faint sounds of wings cutting through the air rang in Ash's ears causing him to smile. As his grew, Giovanni's faded. The boy pulled himself to his feet as he turned and to look coldly at the man, meeting his gaze with terrifying determination. "This."

Ash steadied himself in a battle-like stance as he looked up at the sky. Circling above him were more of his loyal friends: Noctowl, Swellow, Staravia, Talonflame, Unfezant, and Pidgeot. Ash grinned evily as he saw the fear in Giovanni's eyes betray the confident smile on his face. He then set his sights on the monsterous machine. "Everyone! Brave Bird! Now!"

Suddenly, fiery streaks lit up the sky. They were soon followed by blinding flash of blue. the force of the attack knocked down Giovanni and Matori, allowing Serena to run to Ash's side. However, before she could, blood curdleing screams were heard.

Half a dozen men ran out from inside the machine all screaming the same thing. "Run for your lives! It's gonna blow!" Ash looked over to see the weakened Giovanni trying to make a break for it. In an attempt to follow, Ash stumbled, feeling the pain of Pikachu's static ability. He then felt a soft yet forceful hand on his shoulder.

"Ash, Stop!" Serena commanded, but unfortunantly Ash was not about to listen. He turned back to see Pikachu fainted. He relectantly took a pokeball from his pocket and returned Pikachu to the red and white sphere, everyone staring at him in disbelief and shock.

Serena once again tried to speak. "Ash I-" Serena was stopped by a long and passionate kiss from the boy she loved. She stood there dumbfounded.

"I love you Serena."

"Ash..." Without warning, Pidgeot swooped down and grabbed Serena by the shoulders taking her away. "Ash!" The girl screamed one final time.

Within seconds, the others were also being carried away by Ash's flying types. They all screamed his name before disapearing from veiw. He blinked and they were gone. Just like that. Although, one man remained, struggling to get to his feet and scamper away. Ash grabbed at the man's neon blazer, throwing him back toward the dirt.

Serena looked down from the sky, her eyes blinded by tears as she was carried away. As the tears fell she noticed something in her hand. A pokeball... Pikachu's pokeball.

Giovanni once again got to his feet and ran farther back into the woods. Ash was hot on his heels. "There is no use running!" Ash screamed. "You can't escape what you've done!" 

The man stopped and turned toward the boy. "I guess you're right."

Abruptly, a large flash overtook the forest. A deafening explosion followed. As if in slow motion, the firey blast overtook the forest, engulfing the trees one by one. A blazing death stared both men in the face.

There were one two heartbeats in the forest, and now there were none.

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