Chapter 4: Static

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Two bodies laid unmoving unmoving on the charred dirt while a thick black smoke washed over them. The canopy of trees now replaced by clouds of dust and debris.

The first man lies against the scorched remains of a tree that the initial blast had sent him into. His neon orange suit now caked with black soot as well as his body. The eyes once filled with anger and hate, were now lifeless. Faintly glowing embers could still be sceen devouring his shoulder, yearning to burn brightly once again.

Almost a mile behing the first body laid a second. Unlike the first, this one was blown through branches upon branches before finally stopping at the base of what seemed to be a hill. He too was blackened by the blast, but not entirely. The right side of his face and nech were scorched by the flames. The rest of him, however, was broken and scarred. The boys eyes were closed, but there was no heart beat within his chest.

The limp body remained still as the light wind blew dust off into the horizon. Without warning, a yellow volt of electricity traveled throught the young male. The stream reached his heart, setting off an immediate chain reaction. Once the news had reached his brain, the boy's eyes shot open and he found himself gasping for air.

The male looked around in confusion. Fear struck him as he took in his surroundings. The blackened field in front of him stared back menacingly. He coughed heavily from the thick gray smoke around him as he tried to stand. The attempt was quickly regretted as the man's right leg buckled. It was broken, and from the pain alone he could tell it was nowhere near a clean break.

He pushed himself back up, this time leaning the pressure of his broken body on his left foot. It felt as if it where twisted, and by the look of it the injury was much worse than just that. Although, he managed to stand.

Panic again overtook him as he tried to grasp the situation, and realized that he could not. He tried to recall what has happend. However, the memory was not there, as if it had never existed in the first place.

The man took his broken, bloody hand and placed it to the tender, freshly burned skin of his head. His vision blurred and his head spun as a wave of anxiety flooded through him. He had no recolection of who he was, where he was, or what the hell had even happened to him in the first place.

His body shivered as he took shaky steps backwards. He looked again in horror at the scene infront of him. For all he knew he could have caused this. 

Without realising it, the man continued his journey backwards. He could only hear the terrifying thoughts piercing his brain. What if he caused this? What if he was the reason this happened? What if he hurt someone? What if he killed someone? Question after question soared through his mind until there was nothing behind him anymore.

He began to fall, his broken limbs flying in the air as he decended. A cold ocean comfronted him. He looked up to the now gray sky only to see a glowing blue. He reached out for it, only to slip into darkness a moment later.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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