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"jaebeom, your old ass truck is going to break down one day," jinyoung says as he climbs in the passenger seat and sees jaebeom putting a cassette tape into his radio.

"i did not make you a mixtape for you to make fun of my truck," jaebeom says but doesn't look up to look at his best friend because he's too busy texting his boyfriend.

"where's youngjae going this weekend?" jinyoung asks in vain. he doesn't really care about jaebeom's boyfriend and would rather the younger disappear off the face of the earth for all he cares.

"mark's," jaebeom says with a sigh, "he's annoyed that i'm not spending time with him but we're always together so i don't know what he's talking about."

jinyoung nods. he doesn't trust youngjae and his friend mark. the two seem a bit too close and flirty in his opinion but jaebeom doesn't seem to think the same thing.

"ready to go?" jaebeom asks, putting his flip phone in the cup holder that will soon hold a slushy and the phone will end up on the floor of the truck.

"ready," jinyoung replies. he puts on his seatbelt that just goes across his lap because jaebeom's truck is too old to even have modern seatbelts.

jaebeom starts his truck, making sure the music starts playing, too, because he wasn't joking about making a mixtape for jinyoung. he's done it lots of times so jinyoung can't say he's surprised but he doesn't feel just a little bit special because jaebeom's never made youngjae a mixtape.

they stop at a gas station where jaebeom gets gas and jinyoung runs inside to get snacks and drinks for the weekend. he gets jaebeom his regular slushie and gets himself an iced coffee so he can attempt to stay away during the four hour drive they're about to have.

"beom," jinyoung shouts as he walks over to the truck. he hands the elder his slushie before he climbs in the truck and puts their extra drinks into the cooler at his feet.

"we have gas. we're good to go," jaebeom says, hopping into the truck as well. he taps on his steering wheel before actually starting the truck and pulling out of the gas station.

"i heard about this dairy farm that's not far from our place. we should go some weekend," jaebeom says, glancing over at jinyoung who is playing sudoku in his book, "you can pet the baby cows and go see the adults and pigs."

"oh i have to shoot some stuff with animals. that would be good," jinyoung says, remembering his newest photography assignment.

"okay! i'll try to find it later."

jinyoung puts his sudoku book down so he can talk to jaebeom because he's sure it's boring to just drive for so long.

"i'm going to tell youngjae that i love him," jaebeom says when the conversation dulls after they talk about their days. jinyoung doesn't mean to choke on his coffee but he does and he can't hide it.

"really? so soon?" jinyoung shouldn't be shocked. jaebeom has always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve and fall easily, but jinyoung really doesn't feel like  youngjae is the one for him.

"i mean, we've been together three months. but i- i just think it feels right, i guess."

jinyoung wants to tell jaebeom that he thinks youngjae is cheating on him. but he doesn't know and he can't just ruin a relationship on an inkling that he has no easy to really defend.

"i'm happy for you, beomie," jinyoung says. he'll just have to be a supportive best friend, even if he wants to rip his hair out because jaebeom deserves so much better than youngjae.

youngjae was rude to jaebeom, always wanting the older to revolve around him. he never makes plans with jaebeom but the moment jaebeom has plans without youngjae, it turns into a fight.

they get to their cabin around 11 at night and jinyoung is ready to go to sleep. he changes right away and lays down on "his" couch that he always sleeps on.

the cabin actually belongs to someone in jinyoung's family but they never use it so they let jinyoung and jaebeom go use to whenever they want. they plan on letting them buy it for cheap when the pair graduate. they go to it every other week, if possible. it's a place for just them.

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