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jaebeom asks jinyoung to stay the night every night. they do everything together because if jaebeom is alone, he'll think too much. if he thinks too much, he'll think about youngjae.

"youngjae tried to talk to me today," jaebeom tells jinyoung. they're on their way to the cabin, something they definitely need after everything going on.

"what happened?"

"he tried to say he was sorry but there was a hickey on his neck, so..." jaebeom trails off, "i just. thank you for telling me, nyeong."

"don't thank me. what kind of best friend would i be if i just let you be with him? i want the best for you, jaebeommie."

jaebeom gets off at the next exit, claiming it's so they can get something from the gas station, but when jinyoung gets out and sees his best friend crying, he knows what to do.

he goes back inside and gets a strawberry milk before getting in the trunk and sitting in the middle so he can pull jaebeom into a hug.

"i love you, beommie," jinyoung says calmly because one of the has to be feeling okay.

"was i a bad boyfriend to him?" jaebeom asks, his head on jinyoung's shoulder.

"no. he's a bad person. he had no reason to cheat on you."

jaebeom doesn't want to sit in the truck all night, so they finish the drive to the cabin. but when they get there, it's different. jinyoung lays down and jaebeom stands next to the couch, looking pitifully at jinyoung.

jinyoung opens his arms and lets jaebeom lay in his arms and on top of him. he lets jaebeom cry and let out everything. he rubs jaebeom's back and just listens, occasionally reassuring him that he did absolutely nothing wrong.

jaebeom falls asleep and luckily, jinyoung is sleepy enough to fall asleep too so he doesn't bother jaebeom by getting up.

in the morning, jinyoung finds out jaebeom is still laying on top of him. he gently rolls the older boy older and gets up to make them breakfast.

but halfway through jinyoung trying to make breakfast, he feels jaebeom wrap his arms around him and put his head on his shoulder from behind.

"nyoungie, you left," jaebeom says with a pout, nuzzling his nose into jinyoung's neck.

jinyoung can't stand it. he wants this to be his life. he wants to be with jaebeom. but he's not, and he knows jaebeom needs someone, so he lets him do it.

"i figured you'd be pretty tired so i decided to make you breakfast. go sit down."

jaebeom obeys and shuffles over to sit. he watches jinyoung finish making the food, staring at his best friend with admiration. he's so amazing.

jinyoung puts a plate of food in front of jaebeom and sits across from him with his own plate. they eat in silence until jinyoung goes to turn on some music on the record player.

"i figured we could just hang out and read today. i thought it could be a nice calm weekend," jinyoung suggests, glad when jaebeom nods and agrees.

so that's exactly what they do. they lay around all day and read all day, switching books so they can talk about them later.

jinyoung falls asleep with a book open on his chest. jaebeom grabs it, folds the corner so jinyoung doesn't lose his page, and puts the book on the table. he puts a blanket over his best friend and turns off the light so he can do the same.

jaebeom appreciates jinyoung so much. he loves him more than anything and can't believe his best friend is willing to be there for him.

he goes to sleep, finally feeling a bit better as he thinks about jinyoung as opposed to thinking about youngjae.

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