Chapter 1

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The night was cool, cooler than usual, it was nice, the change, even if for a small amount of time, I treasured it. It is normally really hot here but as night fell the wind started blowing, quite hard I might add. I am Ajayi and I am 9. We live in Chad, in Africa, always have and always will. I dream of going to other places, somewhere where I can sit and watch the ocean and its big ships that sail on it. My Nonna would tell me stories of the sea and when I grow up I'm going to go to there. I'm going to get on a boat to somewhere different and never look back.
With the wind blowing on my face I finally drift off to sleep.
But the morning after the windy night I was awoken to a strange noise. It was then followed by an even more unusual noise. An odd clicking sound. I peered out of our hut. There standing not 4 feet away was a warthog. I found this quite strange as warthogs usually stayed clear of the village because they feared us, but what I found even stranger was the man standing behind the warthog. He was dressed in weird clothes and was carrying a small black box around his neck that was pointed at the warthog. I was about to jump out and protect the warthog because I feared the black box was some type of hunting weapon but before I could do anything the man pressed a button on top of the box and a flash went off. But nothing happened, the warthog didn't seem to be harmed in any way and I was surprised to see that it didn't move or run like a normal warthog would do if confronted.
Being the curious boy that I am, I stepped out from the hut and asked the man who he was. At first he looked shocked to see me but then looked confused as if he didn't understand what I was saying. So I repeated the question. Yet still he looked very confused. Then the man started talking in the most bizarre way, like all he could say were a bunch of letters placed together randomly and not in any way words. It was my turn to look confused. We were both confused. But before I could ask him again who he was, he turned and fled with the warthog trailing behind him.

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