Part 40 I've Been...Poisoned

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February 26, 2035 9:00 A.M. Auradon Prep Hospital Wing, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I woke up coughing right next to someone I knew well. She was stroking my forehead.

"Celia!" I said. The daughter of Dr. Facilier nodded. "How have you been? Is Dizzy here to? I'm so happy to see you Cel."

"Me too Emms. Though I wish it was in different circumstances. You've been poisoned. And Dizzy is busy with the salon." She said.

"I missed you so much, but what happened? How did I get poisoned?'' I asked. She explained what she heard from Ruby. And that my mother carried me to the castle afterwards. My memory came back to me. "I don't want to talk about why I did what I did. Besides you probably already know." She nodded. I saw my dad and sister to the other side of me.

"Emmy don't speak. Save your strength for the battle to come. Your mother is looking for the antidote." Dad said.

'I hope she hurries' I thought to myself. 'With my luck, I might be dead by don.'

'On second thought, maybe living in the Underworld wouldn't be so bad. I'd have Ruby, Gwen, and Liz at least. But, on the other hand, I wouldn't have Jess, my other favorite people, Beauty, Eddie, or all the other animals I rescued. They wouldn't have anyone to protect them.' I realized something. Something horrible. 'Oh no! I'm starting to sound like my mother.' I thought.

February 26, 2035 10:00 A.M. Enchanted Forest, Auradon

Mal's POV

'I need to hurry. Her magic isn't strong enough to save her life by itself.' I thought. I had to fight all kinds of monsters to get to the antidote for Emmy: her favorite food, a very rare strawberry, called a riches strawberry. But she would need that along with a true loves kiss. The only problem is we don't know who it is, actually we do know, I just didn't like it. Leo. He's a bad influence on her. I know I was being a little... extreme, but I was only doing what any mother would if her child was sick. When I found the antidote I started for Auradon Prep, I got Leo, told him what happened, and we headed for the hospital wing.

February 26, 2035 12:00 P.M. Auradon Prep Hospital Wing, Auradon

Emmy's POV

Ruby came to me in a dream but she disappeared before I said what I wanted to, because I was healed. I knew it meant something, but what?

"I'm coming home." It said in a ghostly voice. It could have multiple meanings.

'I have to get her back' I thought to myself. 'no matter the cost.' I saw that Leo woke me up with true loves kiss. I had just forgotten that part.

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