CH 4: Bring Us Home

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The sound of a crackling fire and smell of smoke provoked my mind to wake up. My vision was no longer blurred but my body ached with so much pain that I had challenging time opening my eyes.

I groaned as I propped myself up on my elbows, only to find that my left arm seemed much more hurt than I thought, it spasmed which caused agonizing pain to shoot up my body, I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from screaming and laid my arm back on the ground while lifting myself up with the other. I looked around the cliff, Galan was awake and was putting sticks on the fire while Levo kept it going with his breath.

Galan's ears perked straight upright for a moment. "Kadarith?" Galan must've heard the groan I had made as he looked up. He read my expression of discomfort and limped over; kneeling down right in front of me. He looked worried, his ears were back and his eyes glowed as if he had been crying a few minutes ago.

"Hey," I forced myself to smile at him, "What's the damage?" It was meant to ask him how bad he was hurt, but he misunderstood.

"Looks like a few broken ribs and cracked bone in the arm." He pointed over to a poorly made bandage on my forearm, "I tried to heal it but its the bones, got to wait until they heal on their own."

Druid healing spells worked on cuts and scratches and internal issues, but if someone was to break an arm or leg or crack one of their bones, the spells wouldn't work, they'd have to wait for it to heal without any spells to help it.

"I was talking about you," I reached a hand out and pet one of his ears, feeling the softness of it, "If you thought I didn't see you limp then you were wrong." I grunted as pain flew through my ribs from the movement and I quickly brought my hand back to lay limp on the ground in front of me.

Galan put a hand under my chin and lifted my head so he could look into my eyes, "Im fine, nothing to worry about, just a sore leg, but you... What am I going to do with you Kada?"

"Taking me home is going to be one thing," I grinned at him and a small smile spread on his face, then he chuckled and shook his head.

"Of course, someone has to be the one to get you to safety and take care of you until you're better, even when it happens all the time," Galan took his hand away from my chin and went back to the fire, "We'll stay here a bit longer, and then I'll help you get onto Arlin."

I nodded, "Okay." Resting my head down on the ground again, I closed my eyes to listen to the sound of the fire some more."And not all the time... just sometimes."

"Oh of course." Galan was now talking to the mounts, saying how cute and brave they were. I giggled at that. It was strange to see him like this, normally he was rather aggressive and could be extremely rude without intending to be. He had said it was the Worgen side of him that did that, I believed him when he said it, there have always been rumors that Worgens are aggressive because of that feral wolf side of them. Before he had become a Worgen he had been a very nice person, not that he isn't nice now.

I never used to talk, used to be very quiet when no one I knew was around. Galan was one of the people that I grew to like and helped me open up a bit. Although I still liked being quiet most of the time, it gave me more time to think.

My mind wandered to how I had met Galan, there was a group of five Alliance, one of which was Galan, that had been roaming the landscape of Hellfire Peninsula mainly near Thrallmar, waiting for an unlucky Horde to walk out.

I was just a low gear back then, I had some decent gear but not completely, I was doing a quest to kill some Orcs on the road that led to the Hellfire Citadel when I had heard some cheers and laughing so I went to go see what was going on.

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