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September 20th, 1989.

That's when everything else ended; when this began.

I remember it as though it were yesterday. Although ironically; to date, yesterday was the anniversary. The day all hell broke loose.

The day of the collapse.

I'm shortening this. Mostly because of how fast it all happened, but also because I don't remember a lot of it.

That day I had been outside, watching it all happen around me. And all I remember is that first sound, that blood curdling scream. The creatures only stalking in clear weather taking their first kill. The first one had taken a woman and her child, the others beginning to stalk and kill other people in the streets. Chaos took over.

People were hiding in vain, these beasts were finding them. Snatching them away, leaving barely anything other than a little blood, maybe some entrails. Left barely a shred of who they took behind. They were demons of the sun.

Soon, they were everywhere, taking people left and right. Barely anyone could hide quick enough, or, long enough for that matter. It seemed the only option viable to survive long enough to even find shelter during the day to hide completely from the sunstalkers was get a gun, stock up on whatever you could, then get the fuck out of dodge. Get with a group if you could.

I was the only person it seemed who managed to survive on my own without a weapon.

Government officials said it had become a nationwide outbreak of these experimental bio-organic weapons. Creatures that would seemingly disappear somewhere during shitty weather and at night. They only came out when the sun was out.

Soon came the birth of a name for these beings created out of pure spite and evil.


Before I even knew it, I was hearing reports that bombings were the only option left to get rid of them.

My chances of survival became scarce. I became scared.

I remember the first time the city was bombed as well. Two years after the outbreak.

That day was also my first brush with death, but the day I found hope.

It was a ripe day for sunstalkers to hunt for prey. I had managed to hide in a dark building; somewhere I knew I wouldn't be found. Sunstalkers couldn't see at all in the dark.

That was nearly a fatal mistake. I heard the planes overhead, then heard whistling. I didn't realize what it was until the bomb hit the side of the building I was in and caused it to nearly collapse.

I managed to be lucky enough to be on the first floor, and made it out through a window.

That was my second mistake however. I had caught some very unwanted attention, and soon there were those evil fucking things on my scent, chasing after me.

All I remember was that I wasn't fast enough in getting away. I heard the piercing howl they made. Almost that of a howler monkey. Then all I felt was a grip on my ankle, then being yanked to the ground, hitting my forehead on the concrete and being thrashed around with a large clawed fist around my neck. The beast threw me against the ground twice, causing me to spit up blood. That's when I suddenly felt the beast grab me by the neck again.

The smell of rotting flesh the beasts reeked of filled my nostrils even as I was being strangled; the beast screeching in my face. The sunstalker's gaunt face and hollow sunken eyes forever haunt my dreams.

The beast continued to screech and howl in my face as it strangled me. I was quickly becoming disoriented, more disconnected from normal sight. My vision blurred as I struggled to breathe.

By that point I felt stupid for not having a weapon. I lost hope knowing I could never get free from the beast.

I stopped struggling against the beast. Just as I let my hand drop however, I vaguely heard gunshots. My hearing had started to fade. I could barely see the beast letting go of me, sceeching in what seemed to be pain. Just as it turned and was shot off of me, I lost it, but regained hope as I saw someone running to my side, yelling something garbled and fading out to me.

I think I smiled.

Just then, everything went black.

This, however, is only the beginning of this story.

The real story is a lot longer. Much more detailed, as I remember everything after the beginning all clearly.

And I can tell you right now. Just bear with me, you're in for a wild ride.

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