Still in Remembrance

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I heard a boom outside, and immediately woke up with a gasp. My muscles were extremely sore, my head started to hurt again. Badly. Especially as the next explosion echoed in the distance.

Bombings. Great.

I curled onto my side and growled out in pain when the third explosion went off in the distance. The noise made my head pound harder and harder. "F-fuck- Aahaaah, fuck!" I yelled out in pain. I heard someone immediately spring awake next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Hey hey, Eddie, what's going on, you alright?!" he asked loudly. "I-I... F-fuck- mh- fuck, my fucking head...", I groaned loudly in pain.

Another explosion.

"Fuuuuuuck!" I cried out. Not yelled. I actually cried. That's how fucking awful my head was pounding. He picked me up, causing me to nearly scream in pain. "I know I'm sorry, I'm sorry-", he said. He carried me into what I assume was the bathroom and layed me on the floor before he started digging through the drawers looking for something.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp stab in my arm. I yelled in pain, but quickly began to feel all the pain I felt subside. In fact, I felt more calm. Like nothing was happening. "W-what did you give me?!" I asked. "Liquid morphine, it'll get rid of the pain.", he said. I sighed in relief. For a moment I thought he'd given me something else like heroin.

I coughed a little. Sometimes it was a little hard to breathe, like my chest was too tight almost. I figured I'd broken a rib or two. I looked up and saw Chris taking the bandages off his arms, starting with the left. In the dim sunset light that showed through the window I could see the extent of his burns. His skin was red and there were blisters. He sighed before he turned to his side and opened the drawer again, pulling out a small jar of something.

"What's that?...", I asked. "It's burn ointment... This shit won't heal without it.", Chris told me. He set the jar on the counter before starting to take the bandages off his other arm. That one was worse. "Is... Is it infected?..." I asked. "Nah... It's just burnt a little more badly.", he said. Another explosion went off in the distance. "That's most likely their last one...", he said quietly. I rolled onto my side, testing the waters to see if I could without hurting. The morphine was working, because I didn't feel anything hurting.

I sighed in relief. I pushed myself up into sitting up and layed my head across my knees. I looked over at Chris and saw he'd already re-wrapped his arm. Time was going a lot quicker than I had thought. He looked at me and smiled. "Don't try to stand up. You got a bad leg.", he said. I felt so weird, like I was floating. I nodded. He bent down and picked me up, carrying me bridal style.

I felt good, like I'd forgotten things were horribly wrong with the world. Hooray for morphine, right?

I giggled as he carried me out of the bathroom. "Yep, morphine's definitely working.", he said. That made me laugh. I don't know why I did, but I hugged myself close to him, laying my head on his chest.

"You should go back to sleep if you can.", he said as he layed me back down where I was sleeping earlier. I giggled and rolled onto my stomach, gripping the pillows and laughing. "Why should I, I ain't tired...", I said. "You may not be, but you're wacked out of your mind on morphine. It would be better to sleep while your muscles are as relaxed as they are.", he replied. I didn't seem to care. I laughed more, unknowingly pushing my hips down against the floor. I stopped for a second. "You're too funny....", I said. He didn't say anything. I giggled and rolled onto my back, looking up at him, seeing him hiding his face in his hands and rubbing his eyes. "Don't... D-don't do that.", he said. "Why?" I asked. "Cuz you'll probably hurt something without even knowing.", he said.

I chuckled. Even though I was off my rocker I probably knew more than that was up. "Naaah.... You just got something on your mind....", I said. "I don't, not other than the fact that you need to go back to sleep and let yourself heal.", he replied. After that I watched him walk out of the room, leaving me on the floor in the place I called a bed for the time being. I heard one more distant explosion in the distance far off and in one short moment of sobriety hoped they'd killed at least one of those disgusting beasts.

After another ten minutes however I was back to being off in lala land. I rolled onto my side, looking up at the boarded window. Moonlight peered in through a gap in the boards probably big enough for me to slip a hand through. Laying there staring at it I began to wonder how he had even been alive long enough to find me there. Especially with his arms as badly burned as they were. Fixing a car, huh? Sounds like some handy man if you almost blew it up.

That thought made me laugh a little. But then it was back to wondering. Who else was he before all this?... I had to know more, and for a moment I was inclined to ask. But before I could make myself sit up and call out for him, I once again found myself deep in sleep, dreams seeping in slowly like water through a cracking dam.

This time, there was a storm... A storm of black rain driving the sunstalkers away. In the middle of it all was Chris walking away, soft broken words slipping away from his lips. I couldn't make out what they were... I'm almost certain however they were parts of a song.

I suddenly remembered how I had been. Before this all began. Still in remembrance, I wished in my dreams that I could turn back time.

I wondered what my friends would think of him.

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