chapter 13: Confession

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"Love only sees the love of the giver not the gift of the lover "- unknown



It's been months, radha was slowly healing from her injuries and nightmares. Frienship with Krishna was one of her best decision. She was now finally able to share her every pain and joy with him as he always provide her his attention and sincerity.

Radha was sitting in the garden, alone thinking of what to do next. She could not want to suffer here forever, she didn't want to go through from same tortures & harrasment anymore.

" Radha, you are looking beautiful "- suddenly lalita spoke from nearby as though she had been there the whole time.

Radha turned her head slightly and found lalita her childhood friend strolling towards her, looking as her usual self, beautiful and gorgeous at the same time.

"lalita! "- radha jumped from her seat.

" what are you doing here? "- radha asked with a surpriseed feel tone. She feel sudden excitement and happiness. It's been so long, specially after her marriage , she hadn't been seen her. Her surprised visit was shocking for her.

" how are you my radha? "- with that she hugged her best friend.

" I am fine and you? " where you have been??? I miss you "- radha felt like crying.

" am fine I just came here to see you. "- lalita smiled.

" what??? Only "- radha lit a brow due to amusement.

" yes. & I have a good news "- lalita replied.

" what? "- radha asked.

" am about to moving here... Radha am going to be marry soon. "- lalita shyly chuckled.

" what!!!!? Are you serious!? I mean congratulations sister. Congratulations. This a very good news. O my good! " - radha screamed due to sudden most unexpected good news. She was very happy, after all she was her best friend, not just friends, they are like sisters.

" so tell me about him, how is he, his name everything "- radha asked her one by one question impatiently.

" relax radha, now seat I will tell you everything "- lalita smiled.

" radha, he is living here, he is the man of my dream, so handsome, you know his family specially my would be mom in law is very sweet "- lalita explain everything with a dreamy eyes and voice.

while radha patiently listen her every word & explanation,  she could sense her nervousness & excitement at the same time.  Her friend looks adorable with her dreamy posture she thought.
After completing her explanation she decided to ask her few more questions.

" and his name? - radha was so excited to know who was the lucky guy.

" I can't tell you because my mom Instruct me to never utter your husband name, it's disrespectful. Come on radha you are a married woman, you know everything "- lalita pouted.

" yes. I know, and sometimes I..... it irritates me "- radha sighed.

Observing her sad expression lalita quickly changed the topic.

" radha can i ask you one thing...  I mean its really important "- lalita nervously smiled .

" yes you can "- radha chuckled.

"umm...  I don't know how... I  mean... Radha....  I mean... "- lalita blushed terribly. Her whole face become red like a tomato.

Observing her condition radha amused & laught loudly.  She now aware about the fact that what she really wants to know. So radha cought 
& cleared her throat which made lalita blushed more.

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