Chapter 16: Her unknown saviour

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"let's walk with me you will see what i see "- unknown



Its was dark, radha slowly walked through the woods. She was alone and sad not sure about her destination. The wind blew, some strands of her hair into her face which she removed by running her fingers through her hair. She had been walking for hours alone among trees and bushes, don't know where to go. She touched her heart trying to relax herself.

" relax radha, you have to be strong "- she tried to calming herself.

as she passes through the woods she heard strange noises, panic flooded into her system. Turning her head she scanned her surroundings but found nothing. Suddenly she heard a cracking voice, her heart suddenly jumped at the sound. She weakly looked around and gasped. Dread filled in her body, sweat appearing on her forehead and she begain to shaking terribly.

" who is there????? "- radha screamed but no one answered.

Radha sharpened her senses to feel if she could heard something but she saw nothing. a moment later literally she felt something like someone or something was following her.

A shiver ran through her system, she took a few steps back then truned around and ran faster through the woods to save herself from any harm. Her heart was beating fast , it was hammering against her chest and she felt like throwing up. But she felt certain week ness as her legs gave up and she fall on the ground, she felt something dangerous controlling her body and drained her all energy, she tried to freed herself from this unknown dark aura and got up but she failed. Her whole body become paralyzed due to sudden fear and panic.

After a struggle as she slowly stood up. She saw many red dots gleamed in the darkness surrounded her, blocking her every way everywhere and soon several bodies appeared from the shadows. These bodies did not belong to humans.

These beings were tall with long limbs dark skins, and claws. Their skins looked thicker than normal and covered with fur and bloods. As they neared she could see that they had fangs which were covered with blood and strange markes on their necks and they wore human skulls and bones, not only that they all had horns. As they grimaced she could see there sharp teeth hiding behind black lips

Whatever these creatures were radha knew they wanted to hurt her.

She panicked violently, she froze in place. One of them lurched trying to claw her face but somehow she protected her self by turning her head. She screamed. After took a deep breath she tried to escape from there trap but her feet stumbled and she again fall on the ground.

Observing her helpless condition these creatures were laughed manically.

" oh ho, she is looking nice, . It seems finally we can eat something delicious "- one of them suddenly taunt with his raspy and animalistic voice while licking his lips.

" I already told you brother, it's going to be fun "- another raspy voice grated .

After hearing their dark intentions Tears leeked from her eyes and she sobbed, feeling pitty for her helpless condition , she cursed herself under her breath . The creepiness that leaked from there aura made her heart flutter and urge to ran from there. She was scared already now counting for her death. She touched her chest, hoping for someone who can save her. Suddenly she remembered Krishna, she was sure if he was here he would definitely protected her, but unfortunately now she was here alone.

She closed her eyes and left a deep sigh.

" Krishna "- the only word which she somehow managed to whispered softly .

Just as they were about to attack they got distracted by a loud roar . There bloody red eyes darted around the darkness and they seemed frightened.

Radha opened her eyes, she could see something was moving very fast through the darkness and then suddenly something jumped out of the woods and began fighting with those demons . It's look like a man or something, she tried to see but she couldn't because of the darkness. The only thing she could clearly see the man was holding a sword one of his hand .

sometime later when she focused, she shocked, stiffened and stunned completely and frozed onto the ground, is that her saviour or predator???? She panicked. She freaked out when she somehow managed to see his features under dim moonlight. He was not just a man, he was something else ,something strange & impossible . His upper body was look like a lion, where lower body was look like a man, he had claws. The creature was fighting with those demons dangerously, like he wanted to tear them apart and drink there blood. The creature fight with them if he was one, very fast. He striked precisely with out missing once and move with power and grace as if fighting with something dangerous like that was something he was born doing.

This time those demons were fell to the ground and they truned into dust. She was confounded, who was he????? From where he came of & why???? And how did he kill them all single handed and so fast. Why was he looking so unsual and strange??? like he was not from this world.

A second later she could hear the strange man or her saviour / predator's ,( although she was not sure) foot steps coming closer until he stood right in front of her. She could sense his dominating & super powerful aura which radiating from his strong body. She gulped and panicked.

" I can sent your fear, don't panic. Am came here for your protection. Am your protector not your predator. "- his musculine voice grated.

But radha was so terrified that she gasp. She tried to move but can't. There was a pause then he gently placed his plam on to her shoulder and help her to got up. She jumped when he touched her skin. She tried to pushed him , so she could ran from him but before she could able to do something, he grabbed her waist pulled her into his embrace, caging her tiny little body with his strong one .

His sudden strange action hitched her breath. She closed her eyes and she tried to freed herself from his tight grip with all her strength but she failed. She punched his chest but his body was like made of iron, her this act only backfired, he tightened his arms around her.

" please, stop, I can't breathe "- radha somehow managed to whisper while breathing heavily. Trying to catching some air.

" No, I want to feel you "- her unknown saviour whispered with a deep but low tone .

With a jolt she lifted her chin up and looked directly into his eyes, his eyes were so captivative and unique, one gaze & it could hypnotized any person . The eyes looks familiar she thought. Now when he was so closed she could take a closer look at him. The creature / man she thought, was tall and well built. He was warrior types, his face was face of the mixture of lion and man. He had unblemished lighting skin, sharp jawline and fiercy colored hair that reached his shoulder . His whole body covered with light golden fur. He was indeed a very attractive male with his unusual features, she thought. She could feel his sharp nails which was placed on her waist, gently caressing her skin . He had sharp teeth and cannies.

She flinched, taking a deep breath and trying to calm her hammering heart but she was failed to do so. She again tried to freed herself from his tight grip but she again failed. She shivered when his hot breath fanned across her neck. She could feel the heat & his alluring aura which was radiated from his massive body, burning her skin & overpowering her senses . She felt sudden weakness under his control.

" don't move, "- he whispered with his deep husky tone. Leaning his head, he slowly inhaled her sweet scent.

Radha tried to speak something but nothing comes from her mouth. Her head spin up.

" radha "- the crature called her name.

A gasp escaped from her mouth, and soon blackness covered her senses. She finally lost her senses and fainted in his arms.

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