chapter 11

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*Christien’s POV*

Christien woke up with a throbbing pain in the base of his neck and he couldn’t help but flush at the memory of how he got it. for the past three days, christien hadn’t made it out of the bed he was lying in with his mate, Bane. Christien couldn’t help but think that the name suited him perfectly.

Raising himself onto his elbows, he took a proper look at bane. He was starting to fill out, define muscles appearing on his body. The dark circles under his eyes when he first set eyes on him were longer there. Bane looked younger, tougher and much more attractive. Christien smiled at the thought that he would have to be beating away both girls and boys with a stick when he was well enough to go out.

As christien stroked bane’s silky black hair, he remembered their earlier activities. It seemed that bane had some sort of craving for his blood and made a point of taking some everyday. Christien couldn’t say he minded because he didn’t. Every time that Bane’s fangs sank into him, his vision exploded with white and he was plunged head first into so much pleasure. His cock would shoot hard so fast but he wouldn’t cum. To top it off, Bane seemed to have this strange obsession with the scent of his blood and arousal mixed together. Christien didn’t have it either. It went straight to his head and he would find himself panting and downright begging for bane to touch him. Even thinking about it turned him on.

The arm around Christien’s waist tightened and Bane slowly opened his eyes. The corners of his lush lips twitched with a tiny smile. Over the last few days, Bane was starting to open up a bit. They still haven’t managed to carry on a conversation and it definitely wasn’t from lack of trying, on Christien’s part anyways. Anytime christien tries to make a conversation Bane finds something more interesting to do to him and usually he was definitely on board.

Recently though, he found out that Bane likes the sound of his voice. He didn’t exactly tell Christien that but christien was very observant and he could tell. Whenever he started talking, Bane’s eyes would slowly drift close and he would bring Christen closer. When he stopped, Bane would nudge him as if saying to continue.

“Good morning Bane” Christien smiled, not removing his hand from Bane’s hair. Bane didn’t tell him to remove his hand and he didn’t wish him a good morning either. Just nuzzled into his neck and inhaled.  Christien knew what was coming and his body was already straining for it. He could feel himself leaking into his pants as a little whimper left his lips. “Bane?!” he whimpered when his mate just continued to nuzzle him.

“What my pet? Do want me to bite you?!” christien couldn’t help the shiver that ran down his spine at the deep baritone that was Bane’s voice. Christien had never heard anything so sexy in his life. And by god he was teasing him and he loved it.

“Hmmmnnn” christien just moaned and wrapped his arms around Bane’s neck and tried to bring him closer. Instead, Bane moved his neck, placing kisses on his open chest and down to his engorged penis. Their cloths had long been shredded and even though they haven’t had sex yet didn’t mean they haven’t done anything.

Christien was moaning and panting mess by the time Bane made it his manhood and he let out a startled, pleasure filled moan when his mate suddenly engulfed all of him in his mouth.

“BANE! Oh my God!!” his mate just hummed, the sound reverting through pulsing manhood and going straight to his head. Bane just continued to bob his head up and down him, scrambling his brain. Christien was delirious and when he felt Bane’s fangs graze the underside of his head, he let out a whimper that seemed to encourage his mate. “Bane . . . I’m gon . . . I’m gonna cum!”

Christien rolled his head from side to side and he all but died when Bane sank his fangs into the base of penis and began to take his daily dose of blood. Christien screamed his heart out at the combined pleasure that his orgasm and the blood taking was causing. Slowly, his orgasm stopped riding him and finally Bane closed the puncture wound and looked up at him.

Reaching down, he took bane’s face in his palms and brought him closer so he could kiss him. As always the kiss was sweet but yet rough. It was amazing; bane wrapped his arms around christien’s waist, bringing him in closer as he dove into the kiss. When they broke away from each other, they were both panting. Christien opened his eyes and looked into blue and green eyes.

“Do . . . would you like to take a bath?” christien asked, well more like stuttered. They had been lying on the bed for the three days straight and no matter how much he liked the smell of sex and Bane, there was just a point when you need a bath.

“A bath?” Bane asked, his eyes clouding over. A deep red taking over his beautiful eyes. He shot off the bed so fast, christien missed it. He was against the door, baring his fangs at christien, his claws extended and skin deathly pale.

“Bane?” christien slowly moved off the bed, walking towards his obviously terrified mate. “Shh, it’s okay baby” he cooed.

“No bath! It hurts, they won’t stop. I don’t want to!” Bane shrieked and christien heard footsteps. He quickly sent Mandy a link telling her not to let anyone up here.

“I know baby, it won’t hurt!” he moved to bane, knowing he wouldn’t hurt him. Much. Wrapping his arms around his neck he held and his mate chanted. Bane wrapped his arms around Christien, his claws digging into his back making christien wince. His wince seemed to draw Bane out of his little zone out and he looked at christien.

“Your hurt” he stated, his claws withdrawing from christien’s skin.

“It’s fine. Are you okay?” Christien had never seen such a pained looked on a person’s face not even when his papa was having a flash back.

“When they said they were going to give us a bath , , . They would bring us to a small room and pour electrified water on us. The walls were metal and electrified so if you run away from the water, it was just worse. When I was younger, they would prod us and would . . . sometimes they would ra-” christien didn’t need to hear the rest of it. They would rape him. Christien didn’t know how he managed to break something with how mad he was. He wanted to find who ever hurt him and rip them to tiny bloody unidentifiable little pieces.

“Shh, baby, come on. Let me show you” taking his mate’s hand, christien walked his slightly shaking form to the ensuit bathroom. His grip on christien’s arms tightened when he pushed the door open. “See, it’s not a metal wall” taking both of his hands, he lead him to the shower stall and showed him how to switch the water on. When the water started to flow out, he had jumped away taking christien with him as If to protect him. If Bane wasn’t so terrified, he would have found it cute.

After about half an hour, christien managed to coax his mate into the stall and under the spray of the water. He had flinched at first but christien had kept a hold of him and when he was calm enough, he grabbed the soap and leathered it up. Bane seemed completely fascinated with the soap sods and poked at them like a child. It took them about an hour to take the bath because Bane insisted on washing christien and became entire fascinated with a certain pat of his anatomy. Christien didn’t mind at all.

When they came out of the shower, the bed was made and the shredded cloths had been removed. There were fresh cloths on the bed and christien helped Bane dress. When they were done, Bane gathered him into his arms and nuzzled his neck.

“What’s up baby?” he asked, running his fingers through his hair.

“Thanks, thank you so much”

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