Chapter 13: "A New Companion! One Perculiar Pooch!"

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Rai finally meets an adorable, cuddly new friend and finally finds someone as unique as he is.

*Epic Intro!*

3rd POV
Rai had just finished his meal, and was sitting in the courtyard, relaxing in a patch of grass. Things were generally peaceful and quiet, until he heard a loud


Rai: "Huh? What was that?"

The teen could hear a light thrumming sound, like something running. And the sound was getting closer. A large figure could be seen moving in the distance, getting closer.

Was that... A dog?

Rai: "What th-*WHAM!!!*-OOF!"

Suddenly, the tall Saiyan was tackled to to the ground,

A few moments later, Olivia, Glynda, Professors Port and Oobleck rushed into the courtyard and were met with the sight of Rai pinned down by a... pitbull?

Port: "My word!"

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Port: "My word!"

Olivia: "That is a big boy."

The dog being referred to was, in fact, a very big boy. Just by a rough guess, he was probably around 200lbs. They were preparing to pull the animal off of their student, but noticed that the dog wasn't trying to hurt him. By looking at his body language, I.e his tail wagging and his ears slightly tilted backwards, this oversized pup was just super friendly. He happily licked Rai's face, the alien boy unable to push him off, as the pitbull was surprisingly strong.

Rai: "Aaaahhh! Get-hahaha!-G-Get him off meeeee!Heellllp!!!"

Dog: *Bark!*

Oobleck: "Fascinating."

Port: "What is it doing here?"

Glynda: "How did it even get here?"

Olivia: "Hmmm... I'm not sure."

The large canine eventually got off of Rai, allowing him to get a look at the dog, who was now sitting still, looking up at him with his tongue hanging down and his tail wagging extremely fast.

Rai got down on his knee to examine the dog, only for the strange hound to run off to a nearby tree and jump up.

Rai: "What is he-?"


They all stood there, wide-eyed as the dog jumped 10 feet in the air, bit down on a tree branch and broke it off. Casually trotting back, he placed the big stick on the grass in front of Rai's feet and gently nudged it toward him with his nose. Rai picked up the stick, still kind of confused, but then got the message.

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