76: April 15th, 2018

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"There he is," Colson nodded ahead. My eyes widened as the immortal son of a bitch was indeed in front of us. Sitting on a bus stop next to a man coughing up blood. "What the fuck?" Colson cursed.

The two of us picking out pace to reach him, the man, and the horror stricken girl. "—No! I'm pissed off at the world, and I'm taking it out on your so-called lover," Silas spat at the lady who was crouched by the man who had fallen to the floor.

"Please!" The lady cried.

"And I'm thinking you might be my next victim," Silas threatened.

"Silas, stop!" I shouted as we reached them. The woman ran off yelling, "Oh, my God!" Colson wrapped an arm around the man. "What are you doing to him?" I asked.

"Liquefying his internal organs," Silas said. "But I'll stop. Just proving a point. Unbelievable. Love is so damn fickle. She ran from her lover to save herself. Where's my bus, I want to go and test this theory some more. Did you know we were in Philly? I thought this was Delaware—" he was ranting like the psycho he is.

"Yes, I know it's Philly. We tracked you here," I cut him off, annoyed. Colson helped the man onto the bench at this bus stop. Silas assumably stopped because the man was no longer coughing. "Because you promised to bring my sister back and then vanished. So I'm bringing you back to Mystic Falls—"

"Can I test my theory on you and Damon? Elena seems to think there's still something there between you two. I'm sure you'll save yourself too," Silas said and I shook my head.

"No," I told him. "I'm not a guinea pig for your pathetic scientific study. I just want you to bring my sister ba—"

"Ugh," Colson coughed loudly, hunching over and holding his stomach.

"Little birdie told me you two used to date. Tell me were you in love?" Silas smirked at me while my ex leaned against the wall for support.

"Colson," I cried, rushing to his side. "It's okay. Don't worry. You're gonna be fine. Silas stop it!"

"No," Silas said.

"Fine! I love him!" I blurted out, placing a hand on Colson's arm, trying to keep him from falling down.

"Love? Or in love?" Silas asked. "Let's find out. You have until that bus stops in about ten seconds before I start killing you also. Or you can get on the bus with me. Leave him here to die alone."

"What?" I frowned. "No."

"You won't get on the bus. We can go wherever."

"I just want my sister back!"

"I know. And so does Damon. Who laughed in my face when I said the doppelgängers are drawn to each other. So if I don't bring your sister back he breaks his promise to Elena and to you. Jeopardizing his only potential relationships and dying alone."

"What? No. I would never blame Damon for you being a selfish asshole," I scoffed, wincing as some of Colson's blood landed on my hand.

Then my insides started to burn and I was coughing too. Immediately my knees seemed to give out and my lungs felt restricted. Colson's arm wrapped weakly around my waist and I fell against him and we stumbled into the corner of the little bus stop, against the walls and one another.

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