Meet the King and The Beast!

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This story is available at Fanfiction.Net, I'll be slowly uploading the other chapters over here as fast as I can, depending on how things go here. Also, this story is an OcXHarem, and before you ask, Luffy and/or the rest of the guys are not getting Genderbend. You have been warned!

Disclaimer: The following story is a fanfiction, the original character and plot belong to their respective owner. I own my OC and this story. Enjoy the chapter!


Wealth, Fame, Power...Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates had obtained this as well as everything else the world had to offer. Before he was executed, his dying world mark the world into a new era!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! My treasure?! You want it, you can have it! I left everything I have to offer in one place. Go find it!"

These words lured men into the Grand Line in search of dreams greater than they ever dared to imagine. All across the world, people raised their flag as the Golden Age of Pirates began.

Ten years have passed since his execution, one particular crew of pirates are known for their tenacity, will, and determination to achieve their dream; they are the Straw Hats Pirates.

You have heard their story since the beginning of the East Blue...But, have you heard my part of the story? Because what you may hear, can be different from what I'm about to tell you.

Sit tight on your seats, clear your ears, ready your pupils...Cause you're about to hear the story.

From the Straw Hats Beast!


The Man who'll become the King of the Pirates and the Strongest Beast in all of the Sea!


A lone, grand ship sailed peacefully on the sea; passing beneath various sea life and fallen ships that were not strong enough to hold their own on the high seas. Aboard this ship were two sailors bored out of their minds just leaning on the railings. The tanned, robust sailor blankly looked down on the ocean but was shocked to see a lone barrel floating.

"Huh?" He said, staring at the mysterious barrel. The sailor wondered just what was in that barrel; booze, treasure, a person? Nah, the last one was just too weird so it had to be one of the first two.

...Do I even?

Anyway, the robust sailor tried throwing a rope to catch the barrel but missed. He tried again but missed it again. He tried again, and as well miss again.

"Three strikes, you're out Jeff!" his fellow sailor friend teases him.

"Wow Jeff, you suck so much!" another one spoke up from the top of the crow's nest. Just then, he felt a shiver down his spine as he looks at an island far away.

As he does that, the sailor finally managed to latch the hook on the floating barrel. "Finally!" the sailor said as he pulled the barrel up, "Hey! Some help here please!" A lanky sailor helps him pull the barrel up.

"Man, this thing is freaking heavy!" The lanky sailor grumbled as they finally managed to. "Hehe must be filled with booze, then! Dibs on the first drink!" He yelled, pats the barrel.

Before they could do anything else, the sailor on the nest spoke up, "P-P-P-Pirates!" he yelled out while pointing at a direction, where a pink pirate ship was.

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