The First Part

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(I am very creative I know.)
This story contains both angst and fluff throughout. I will rate each on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being not much to 10 being a lot. Continue at your own risk. This first chapter is pretty basic though, just some backround development.

Logan's POV:
The room is dark. However, I can tell there are 4 people in the room with me, 2 on each side, 1 in front, 1 behind. They don't move, though. I wait, listening for the first one to make a move. There! The one in front of me moves. I rush him, tackling him to the ground. Before he can respond, I place my foot on his chest and turn to the rest of the men. I hear footsteps, all three are charging, but i don't move yet. Just a bit farther...Now! I jump up, and each of the three ram into the wall and collapse, trapping the last underneath them.
The lights turn on, and I shield my eyes until they adjust. I then glance at the window. The Leader looks pleased, and I know I did well. He sends one of his leutenants down to give me a final assessment. Time seems to slow as I shoulder my bag. I'm not leaving forever, I still need to check in once a week, but I am finally able to go outside. I am going to live with Remus and his roommates. As I wait for Remus at the bus stop, I take in a breath of fresh air, and smile for the first time in years.
"That's new," A familiar voice chimed, "hope I don't have to see too much of that."
"Yeah, well get used to it," I chuckle back, turning to face Remus. He's older than me by a few years, but i've got a few inches on him.
"We should get goin' Lo, my roommates are waiting," As I nod, we start the trek to Remus' place.
Remus' POV:
I've gotta say, I am excited to see Logan's made it out alive. It's not often winged-folk like him or me survive a society like this, but somehow, we manage. I remember the first day he was assigned to me. He was terrified, having just been taken from his family. How they didn't figure out he was one of the very things the Society tried to hunt amazes me to this day, but he made it. With my help, of course. We both have to keep our secret, even from family.. Ah well, not like Roman cares about me much anyways. I mean, to him, I disappeared for 8 years and he barley bat an eye.
3rd Person POV:
As the two approached the house, Remus gave Logan the ins and outs of the place, and a bit about his roomates. He and Roman, his twin, owned the house, and allowed Patton, Virgil, Janus, and now Logan to live there. Patton had pretty much taken over as the "dad" of the house, cooking and cleaning for everyone. Janus was a sort of reculse, who was caught in a nasty fire when he was younger, and still has the markings on his face to this day. Virgil is the anxious emo, mostly keeping to himself. And Roman...well, you'll get the idea when you see him.

Did you like that? I hope so, because I..don't have too much planned. But I am good at making things up on the spot, so be prepared for a rollercoaster that not even I know about yet!

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