A day in the life of Virgil

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I'm winging it here(totally intentional pun lol)
Angst: Actually, slight panicing, so 1
Fluff: I'd give it a 2-3
(Also, Remy and Emile exist in this world, and yes, I do ship them.)

Virgil's POV:
"I know, I know. 6 am, time to get up..." I leaned over, turning off the alarm on my phone. I go through my usual morning routine. Change into my usual clothing, put on foundation and eyeshadow, ect. I grab my headphones and make my way downstairs. Patton and Roman are already up. I walk into the kitchen, where the smell of bacon is overwhelming.
"Morning kiddo! Breakfast is almost done!" Patton chimes.
"Thanks Pat," I sit down at the table in my usual spot, and scroll through Tumbr while listening to my playlist, which includes the usual songs from P!ATD and MCR. I barely notice the others joinong in the kitchen. Patton places each of our plates down, and sits down himself. I pull down my headphones, stopping my misic on the process. As I eat, I hear the conversation around me. My head, deciding to not let me alone for a second, goes wild. Should I join the conversation? What if I just make things awkard? What if they ask me something and I'm not listening? I finish eating, thoughts consuming my head, and go lay on the couch. I have a job later, at the local Starbucks. A good friend got me the job there, since I needed one to help pay for rent. While everyone else does their morning thing, I felt the couch sink with additional weight. I look over, and the new guy was sitting next to me, concern all over his face. What was his name again...Logan! That's it! The dude that stared at me at dinner! Why is that how I remember him...
"Hey, are you ok? I saw you looking a little anxious at breakfast today..." He softened his look. Maybe he thought he looked intimidating..?
"Uh, yeah. I just...it's nothing." I mumbled. God, why can't I just speak up! Logan raised an eyebrow, obviously not buying that I'm ok, but he turns to the TV. I went back to looking at my phone.
~~le Timeskip~~
My alarm goes off, meaning that its time to get to work. I push myself off of the couch, Logan had returned to his room thirty minutes ago. I went to my room, and got on my uniform. I head back downstairs to Patton, and inform him I am heading to work.
"Cya Kiddo!" Patton smiled. I smirked back, and left work. Once I arrived, I walked in to see Remy already at the counter.
"Heeey gurl! How are you doin'?" Remy waved at me, forgetting the coustumer he was serving.
I shook my head, "I'm doing good. Don't forget your job, though," I got behind the counter, and went to the cash register next to Remy. He finished serving his coustumer, who was nice about the interruption in his order.
"Sooo...was the new dude hot?" Remy said after the man got his drink and left. I immediently felt my face heat up.
"Um..." I couldn't respond properly. He really was cute, but I didn't want to let Remy know I thought so, or I would never hear the end of it, "He's not bad looking..." Nice going, Virge.
"Uh-huh." Remy nodded, like he understood some secret. But, he let the comversation drop, thank god, and resumed work. We went through the shift as normal, him gossiping about Picani here, spilling some tea(literally and metaphorically) there. Eventually, we parted ways. "And hey, let me know if your new crush returns your feeling, k?" Remy waved at me, before gettin in the car and driving off, leaving me in shock.
I-is he for real?! Am I...really crushing on Logan? I thought about this the whole way home. By the time I arrived, it was a little later than usual, so dinner was already on the table. "Sorry I'm late, guess I got caught up in work.." I sort-of mumbled, taking my seat.
Its ok kiddo, we all just sat down," Patton motioned for me to join them. Dinner was pretty uneventful, just the usual conversations, with Logan joining in here and there. I couldn't help but wonder if Logan really did like me. And do I like him? I might need some more time to think about that...

(Sorry this was a week late. I lost motivation half-way through, and I just didnt want to release a half-done chapter. I may or may not update tomorrow to make up for missing a week. Depends on my motivation.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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