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Another set up chapter I'm afraid.
Angst: 0

Logan's POV:
Remus opened the door in a grand gesture. I instinctivly glanced around, trying to figure out who was who. Someone was on the couch to the left, headphones on and a black hoodie with some purple patchwork. The doorway to the far left must be the kitchen, because I can smell food being cooked. According to what Remus told me, that must be Patton in there. Upstairs, I could hear the shower running.
"Ugh, of course Princy would be in the shower. I told him to wait in case you needed one," Remus sneered as he hung his coat up on the rack to the right. The guy on the couch didn't even bat an eye, he must have had his music up loud. Patton, as I assumed, walked out of the kitchen. he wore a light blue polo shirt, kakis, and a gray hoodie of some sort tied around his neck.
"Remus, you're home! And is this Logan? Hi! I'm Patton!" He came up to me and held out his hand. I took it and we shook hands.
"Nice to meet you Patton. I assume Remus has told you about me?" I shot a glance at Remus, looking for anything that would tell me what things he said about me. But just as we were taught, he showed nothing.
"Yup! Are you hungry?" Patton smiled, and I could feel his positive energy radiating off, and I couldn't help but smile too.
"I am fine for now, but thanks for asking." I looked over at the man on the couch, unsure if I should introduce myself or leave him be. Patton noticed this, and went over to him.
"Kiddo, Remus is back. And he brought Logan, remember?" This seemed to grab his attention, and the man looked over at me. I gave a slight wave, and he pulled down his headphones.
"Hey. I'm Virgil," his voice was almost muffled, "Nice to meet you"
"Pleasure to meet you too Virgil." Pleased with the introduction, Patton went upstairs, only to return a few seconds later with another man, wearing a light tan sweater, dark grey/black beanie, and had what I assumed were burn marks on half his face.
"This is Janus. Janus, this is Logan," Patton said as he walked down, leading Janus.
"Pleasure to meet you Logan," Janus said, smiling slightly before sitting himself down next to Virgil. They both gave eachother slight acknowledgement, before Janus turned on the TV and Virgil returned to his music. Patton seemed satisfied with the introductions, and returned to the kitchen.
"Lemme show you to your room Lo," Remus said, pulling me by the wrist upstairs.
"Woah, Remus, hey!" I tugged slightly back from his grip. He let go, apologizing, before continuing down the hallway. I looked at the doors lining the hall, and each one way decorated to tell which one was who's. Patton's had bright colors and animals on his. Virgil's had the names of bands and lightning. Janus' had snakes, and Remus' had just a jumble of weird or distgustang photos. I looked over at the last decorated one, presumably Roman's. It mainly had Disney posters and princes.
"Yeah, Roman didn't get the nickname 'Princy' for nothing. Here, this one is yours." Remus nodded to the door across from Roman's, the only blank one. "In time, you'll make it more homely. Dinner's at 6 precisly, do whatever you want until then." Remus walked into his room, leaving me alone. I decided to unpack what little I had and opened the door. There was a bed in the top right corner, a closet in the left. I walked to the middle and dropped my bag down. I glanced to my left, and there was a mirror. I had a cut left of my chin, a bruise on my right cheek. I turned right, and there was another door. I opened it, and it lead to a half bathroom. Toilet, sink, medicine cabinet. I left the bathroom, and turned to the door of my room. Time to stretch out. I closed and locked the door, and shut the blinds on the window. I took off my shirt, and unwrapped my wings. They stretched to their full wingspan, and I felt a wave of relief rush over me. I took a deep breath, and looked at my wings through the mirror. They were a navy blue, not too bright, not too dark. The feathers were smooth, not at all greasy or stiff. I unpacked while enjoying the time my wings have out, when I realized I would need Remus' help wrapping them up again so they don't pop out. I grabbed my phone and messaged Remus.

Logan: Can you come to my room. It is important.
Remus: whats up? cant even leave you alone for 5 minutes, can i?
Logan: Haha. Just get over here.
Remus: whatever you say

Remus's POV:
I walked up to Logan's room. I went to open the door was lock. "How am I supposed to come in if the door is locked genius?" I joked.
"Sorry," Logan said. I heard a click, and Logan opened the door a crack. "Can you up my wings again? I needed to streach them and-"
"Yeah I got you. Just let me in" I pushed past him, closing and locking the door behind me. I could see Logan was unpacking. The closet was open and his bag open. "You got the wrap?"
"Yeah. Here," Logan reached into the from pocket of his bag, handing me a roll of bandages. Logan tucked his wings around his body, and held his arms up. I wrapped them, being carefull not to hurt him.
"Done," I finished off the wrap, placing the roll on his dresser and unlocking the door.
"Thanks Remus," Logan smiled, and I smiled back.
"Well, Society or not, we gotta stock together." I walked out the door as Logan put his shirt back on.

Heya! Sorry it's been a few weeks, I'll try to write again next week. I decided to change Janus' look, because his canon outfit was too dark and sinister. I hope you are enjoying this! Not much else to say, Cya soon!

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