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Atirah's POV

The day started off great so far, no one really messed with me. See a lot of the students are afraid of me, just because

I can beat anyone that messes with me. Not only that but my boyfriend is part of a gang here "ATZ" so I'm ""protected"" anyways. I may look like a floofy marshmallow, but I'm really the opposite. I'm among the top 10 smart students.

All day today people have been talking about a new student. "I heard there's a new kid coming tomorrow" "I hope it's a handsome guy" "new kid tomorrow, a new target" "if it's a girl I already feel bad for her" "I heard new kid coming all the way from the states?" "Jason this is an international school of course someone from the states would come here" is what I hear walking to my next class."Hey baby" ahh the voice of the man I know and love.

"Hwaseongie" I cutely say hugging my boyfriend, "how's my beautiful girl doing on this fine morning?" "I'm fine, did you hear there's going to be a new girl tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, she's the talk of the school" wait it's a girl? I was confused, then again Seonghwa's father is the principle and knows all. "Did your dad tell you it was a girl?" I ask, he shook his head "I saw her yesterday in the office with her mom, she's super shy" "more shy than Yeosang?" I asked and he nodded.

Is that even possible? Yeosang is talkative to me and the gang and outside of school, but in school he's quiet, like very quiet and shy and only talks when needed to. "Do you know her name?" I ask, "yes, but for you to know you ask her yourself..., you both share the same lunch time so you can makes friends with her so she won't feel left out..., just don't let San near her" right! San and new kids don't really go well, whenever a new kid came and it was a boy he would bully them for a month then leave them alone. Don't know what he'll do to the new girl, "so I have to meet her before San?" I asked.

San's POV

"So hows it going with Jess?" I asked the purple haired boy that drank his cola, he sighed heavily putting his drink down. "What you do this time?" I spoke again, "I forgot our anniversary" aish this kid first he forgets her birthday and now this. "What you plan on doing to make up for it?" I say and he just shrugs his shoulders. "Not sure, I tried going to her house this morning and give her flowers and take her to school but she wasn't there" he says in an upset tone. I sighed, "look just leave out of school now take my car and go to her school and pick her up and take her to her favorite place" I said giving him my car keys.

"Mr. Park will b-" "don't worry about him I'll talk with him." I pushed him out the school, "and talk with her you have to tell her sooner or later about the gang you're in" I paused "be careful and make sure if you run into oneus call me and alert the others." He nodded and ran out and entered my car driving off.

"Hey did you hear there's a new kid coming in tomorrow?" I heard Yunho say as he walked into our hangout room. New kid huh? "it's a girl too" says Jonho sitting on the single couch. A girl? "Everyone is talking about it, and apparently Seonghwa and his girfriend knows her lunch time" says Yeosang chiming in. The guys looked at me like they knew what I was thinking, "what you plan on doing to the new girl?" Jongho asked looking at me with curiosity.

"Not sure yet, depends my mood when I see her" I say taking a water out the mini fridge drinking it in one go. "Where's Wooyoung?"asked Mingi coming in with more bangs of snacks, "he left to fix things with Jess." As on cue Wooyoung came in with Jess, Wooyoung breathing hard.

"Dude why you out of breath?" asked a concerned Hongjoong. Okay when did he get here? "ONEUS happened" Wooyoung managed to speak, "dude I told you to call us" I said clearly upset. It took Wooyoung a while to finally speak normally, "I left my phone here, and before you ask Jess, she left her's at home" he spoke sitting down.

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