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Hey guys! I know it's been a while since my last update and I apologize for that!

I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤





Choi San here...


You're probably wondering if I'm going to tell Emi either the truth or lie about my behavior around her. Well you being the readers author asked you what should I say. Let's just say I want to do and will do things my way.


Emi, whatever I say don't be hurt...


I'm simply





Emi's POV


Did he really mean what he said to me?

Is it true?

I tried and tried and TRIED not to think about what went on between me and San. I couldn't even focus in my class that the teacher put me down for detention for not paying attention to the lecture..., -_-" I blame you Choi San.


The bell had rung and I stayed in my seat, the teacher had stepped out for a moment to get some paperwork. "Emi! class is over go home" I heard Seonghwa say from the door, "can't I got detention" I pouted sadly. "How did you get detention? Mr. Kim is an easy A+ class and he's very chill" I heard Yunho come in talking. "I wasn't focusing and he's making me stay" it was silent for 3 seconds until I heard someone screaming and I knew exactly who it was. "Wooyoung why are you so loud?" I said while looking down at my hands.

"Emi just walk out and leave, he won't know you left" Yunho said as he sat next to me, "I can't just walk out! what if I get detention again tomorrow for not staying today?" I freaked out at the possibility, "Emi it's simple stand up and give me your bag" I stood up and gave my bag to Wooyoung. "Good now take my hand and when I count to three you use your legs okay?" I have a bad feeling about this but I took Wooyoung's hand anyways.

"One, two, THREE" Wooyoung yelled the number three and ran pulling me, and I used my legs just how he told me and ran too. We ran and ran he lead me to the parking lot and gave me a helmet, "put this on and hold on tight to me got it?" I didn't ask any questions and just put the helmet on. He put my bag securely on the back of the motorcycle and sat on it and I sat behind him and held on tight.


I swear if he even thinks about going fast I will murder him. After turning it on he began speeding and I screamed closing my eyes and holding tightly onto him. All I could hear was the vrooooom sound the motorcycle was making, Wooyoung was going way too fast. I didn't even noticed that he had stopped "Emi you can let go of me now" I heard Wooyoung speak and chuckle, I opened my eyes and didn't recognise the location.

"Ummm, where are we? Couldn't you have just taken me home?" I asked nervously as I looked around. "Relax Emi! Seonghwa went to your house and will tell your mom you're at the library studying with us" Wooyoung explained as he got off the bike and helped me down. "My mom would never believe that" I said seriously.

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