Chapter 16: Badly Sick

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A year went extremely fast for Jacob and Isabella. They lived everyday, the same way. Waking up, going to work, coming home and going to sleep but at least they were able to save up decent amount of money to renovate and extend Isabella's home.

They added a new section to the cabin, adding a third bedroom. They had built a swimming pool, the hot weathers in Hope County was unbearable at times so why not have somewhere to cool off. The kitchen was renovated and extended as well, giving Isabella more space to cook and a second bathroom was added too. All this was done under a year all thanks to their best friends in Hope County.

Everyone that helped were given their own tasks. Eli, Nick Rye and Sharky were in charge of building the pool. Hurk Jr, Sheriff Whitehorse, Staci Pratt and Jacob built the new bedroom. Isabella, Linda, Joey Hudson and John renovated the kitchen and Joseph, Jess Black, Grace and Tracey built the new bathroom.

Thanks to all these people, Jacob and Isabella's new home was bigger and better. Good enough for them to finally move in, leaving Linda to have her very own home in Hope County. Yep, that's right, Jacob was kind enough to give his home to Linda, seeing that his cabin was smaller than Isabella's.

It was a beginning to a new week, Jacob had gone to work while Isabella stayed home, sick in bed. It seemed like she had caught a bug or something. For two days she had been pale, hadn't put a single item of food in her mouth but kept hydrated. The doctor was certain it was a bug but took his precautions and got some blood samples. Linda had forced Jacob to go to work, while she stayed with Isabella.

"Good morning sweetie. How are you feeling?" Linda asked, walking into her bedroom with a bowl of soup.

"Like I've been hit by a bus"

"Oh sweetie. I've made you some soup"

"Mom, please. I'm not in any state to have any food at the moment"

"Isabella, you haven't eaten for two days now. You need to eat in order fight this bug" Linda said and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Don't make me call Jacob".

"I can't eat though. I'll just bring it all back out. Please, I just want to get some sleep"

"Ok honey but I'll be checking up on you frequently" Linda said, walking out off the room.


A few hours later, Linda decided to check up on Bella, after letting her sleep for a good two hours. She quietly opened the door and walked over to her daughter. She put her hand on her forehead and noticed how badly Bella was burning and sweating. She shook Bella a few times and realised that she wasn't responding at all and started to panic. What the hell was wrong with her daughter? Linda ran back into the living room, grabbing the phone and calling to the Hope County Clinic.

"I need an ambulance. Please hurry. It's my daughter, she isn't responding to me" Linda cried, begging the clinic to send someone out immediately. She tried to call Jacob but his phone was switched off and there was only one other way to get in contact with him. "Hello Sheriff, it's me Linda"

"Hello Linda. How can I help you?" The Sheriff responded.

"I've been trying to get in contact with Jacob but his phone is switched off. Is he by any chance at the Prison?" Linda said, trying to keep her composure.

"Jacob just left to do some patrolling. Linda is something wrong?"

"Sheriff" Linda started crying and panicking again. "It's Bella, she isn't responding to me. I've just called for an ambulance. Please I need to get in contact with Jacob".

"What?" The Sheriff started panicking as well. "I'll get in contact with Jacob right away".

"Tell him to go to the clinic. I can hear the ambulance siren" Linda informed the Sheriff and hung the phone up.

Sheriff Whitehorse immediately got into action. He grabbed his car keys and jacket and rushed out to his car. As soon as he sat down, he grabbed the radio and called into Jacob's channel. "Come in Jacob? Pratt? Anyone got gods sake".

"Seed speaking. What's the matter Sheriff?" Jacob answered back.

"Jacob, thank Christ. Listen to me, I need you to get to the Hope County Clinic immediately. Linda just called and informed me that Isabella has gotten worse and is unresponsive" the Sheriff explained.

"What?" Jacob yelled through the radio.

"The ambulance are taking her to the clinic right now Jacob. Get there immediately. I'm on my way with Hudson".


Jacob and Pratt arrived to the clinic at the same time as the Sheriff and Hudson. All four of them running into the clinic and searching for Linda.

"There she is" Hudson pointed and ran up to her.

"Linda? What happened?" Jacob started to question her.

"I don't know. This morning I spoke with her and she said she wanted to sleep. I left her for two hours and when I went to check up on her, she didn't respond to me. She was burning hot and sweating badly" Linda said through her crying. "My poor baby girl".

"Has any of the doctors or nurses come out yet?" The Sheriff asked.

"No. No ones told me anything yet".

They waited for a few more minutes, before the doctor finally walked out. Everyone rushed to her and eagerly waited for the doctor to tell them something.

"We've just put Isabella on some drops to help hydrate her. She's very weak so we believe that she has an infection. We've taken some blood and I'll send it to our people to do some tests on it, immediately. For now we will keep her on the drops and get her hydrated again" the doctor explained.

"This infection, is it going to be easy to treat?" Jacob asked.

"It will but we have to find out what type of infection it is first. That way we can begin her treatment. For the moment, we've got Isabella still sleeping. Once we get our answers, we will start on getting her health back up" the doctor continued to explain.

"Can I see her?" Jacob asked, eager to get next to his partner.

"For now we prefer that she doesn't have any visitors. Infection is easily spread and we don't want her to get anymore sick. We are going to move her into another room where you can see her from a window. If you can excuse me, I'll get these blood tests to my people" the doctor said and walked off.

Jacob hugged Linda and assured her that Isabella was going to get through this but it also meant that they had to be patient as well. Hopefully the blood tests won't take too long to get done so that Bella could start getting treated.

Three days went by and Isabella was starting to make progress. Her body reacted positively to the antibiotics that the doctor had given her. Isabella has caught a very bad viral infection and because she hadn't eaten, she made her body weak and allowed the infection to take over her body. Making her very ill.

Jacob stayed with her for the past three days, not letting go off her hand. Bella started respond and open her eyes, a day after she was admitted into the clinic. The doctor had already notified Jacob that they would be keeping Isabella in until she made a 100% recovery. That could be a week or even more.


It took Isabella exactly three weeks to get back onto her feet but she was healthy once again and that's what mattered. The better news, she was ready to go back home and recover fully there.

"That was the toughest three weeks of our lives" Jacob said, as the drove home.

"Tell me about it. Hopefully none of us go through that ever again" Bella said. "Jacob?".


"We've been together for a whole year now and I've been thinking"

"Thinking about what?"

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