Chapter 3

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This chapter is mostly about her and Damon. This is the chapter you have all been waiting for. 😃 Do you think she is gonna still like Damon or not? Find out by reading this chapter. Luvs all y'all's. 💋xoxo
I arrived at English class. I sat in my seat. I set my stuff down on my desk. And there he was looking sexy as ever. He had on a black suit with a white tie. He looked so hot. And he was so muscular also.........he must work out. 😃

"Hello class. My name is Mr. Somerhalder. And I teach English. Today we aren't doing any homework since I just got here so we are gonna do a little game to get to know one another. We are gonna go around the room and everyone is gonna say two things about themselves. Let's start." He said. He was so sexy. I had to stop thinking like that. He was way older than me. It was the snobby cheerleader's turn with the ponytails. "Well I am super hot as you can see and I love English class." She said. "Ok next." Ian said. We went through the whole class and finally it was my turn. "Lexi it's your turn now." He said in the most sexiest tone ever. "Um.....I like the color lime green and I am bad at cooking." I said. He looked like he was interested in what I just he was considering what I just said since he and plans for me. Creepy. "Ok then. Well the rest of the class time is for visiting." He said. Everyone started chatting among themselves. He called me up to his desk........because he was at his desk. I walked over to him.

"Do you know why I asked you to come over here?" He said. "I don't know why. Why?" I said. "Because I want to know more about you than just two things." He said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said. "It means exactly what I said. I want to get to know you more...Lexi." He said. He was asking me out on a date! "Um.....I'm busy this week." I said. "Well then I will just have to wait for you then....I'm patient." He said as his bright blue eyes looked into my eyes. "Um.....I don't know about this." I said. "So you are turning me down?" He asked. "Yes, yes I am you pervert." I said. He laughed a little before he said,"Just because I asked you out on a date that makes me a pervert now? You are funny Lexi." "Yes, because you are like 40 something and I am only 16. You are a sick little pervert." I said. He smiled a sexy grin before he said,"Well that makes you a pervert for thinking about me." He said. "You can't read my mind." I said. "Yeah I can." He said. "Then what was I exactly thinking about you?" I asked. "That I was so muscular that I must work out and I am so hot and you had to stop thinking about me that way." He said. "How the heck did you know that?" I asked. "Probably my pervert powers." He said. I giggled a little bit. "You are a funny person too but we can't be together." I said. "Why not?" He said. "Because you are a pervert." I said. "Back to the pervert stuff again?" He asked. " answer is no and that's final." I said. "If you insist." He said. I quickly walked back to my seat and sat in it.

Kristy was sitting next to me. "You two seems to be getting it on. What did he say to you?" She said. "He asked me out and I said no. And we also talked about each other being perverts." I said. "He asked you out and you turned him down!? What's wrong with you?!" Kristy said. "Nothing is wrong with me." I said. "Sure. And just so you know, it's not every day a girl gets asked out by the Ian Somerhalder." Kristy said. "I'm going to sit next to my boyfriend Jonathan." Kristy said. She got up, walked over to Jonathan and sat next to him. They were French kissing one another. I guess those two were dating. I looked back at Ian. He was looking at me. That dude was creepy. He came and walked up to me. What the heck did he want now?

"What do you want?" I said. "Your love." He said. "Well that ain't gonna happen Mr. Somerhalder." I said. "Please call me Ian." He said. "Mr. Somerhalder." I said. "Really?" He said. "Yes really." I said. "Why are you so dang stubborn?" He said. "Because I was born like that. I don't let guys swoon me over with their looks....they have to earn my love.....and you sure haven't earned my love." I said. "Well how would I earn your love?" He asked. "You never will." I said. "Oh really?" He said with a devilishly grin on his face. "Why are you smiling?" I asked in a scared tone. "You will see. I guess I have to earn your love the hard way." He said. He walked back to his desk. That was creepy. What the heck was he planning? Was it rape or something? He was just way to creepy for me. He was staring at me intently. What was up with this dude? I couldn't like him.....he was way to creepy and he is way older than me. The bell rang. I was so happy to be out of this class. I grabbed my stuff and got out of his class as quickly as possible.

I had to clear my head from his creepy little act. I went straight to the ladies room. I set my books on the floor and went to the sink. I splashed water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. What was so special about me that had him wanting my love....he acted like he needed me so badly. I dried my face off with a paper towel. I threw the paper towel in the garbage. I turned around.

He was standing right behind me the whole time. I jumped a little. "What's your problem? Didn't I tell you I wanted nothing to do with you?" I said. "Even if you don't want me doesn't mean I can't have you." He said. "I don't like you." I said. I tried to walk away from him to get my stuff but he was blocking me. "Please move, I really need to get my books to get to my next class." I said. "Where we will be going, you don't need books." He said. "Please get!" I said impatiently. "Hey, we have something in common.....we both get impatient. I can't wait to have you any longer.....I'm getting very impatient with you Lexi." He said. "Get now!" I said yelling now. "Yeah, get mad at me. You know you want to get impatient with me." He said. "Is this just some kind of sick love game to you!? Because I'm not playing your stupid game!" I said. "You should have never got impatient with me baby." He said. "Don't call me baby. I have a name and it's Lexi." I said. "I know that Lexi. But you have two choices: to be with me or not to be with me." He said. "Of course I choose to not be with you." I said. "Wrong choice. Both of those choices were to be with me." He said. He stabbed a shot in my arm. An injection went into me. I was growing very tired and weak very quickly. I only had enough strength to throw a paper towel at him. "You think a paper towel can hurt me? Not really, try harder next time Lexi. I can so tell you are a human." He said.

That's the last thing I heard before I shut my eyes and I passed out........................................

Hope you guys keep reading. Remember to vote, follow and comment. Luvs all y'all. 💋xoxo ❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️

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