Chapter 9

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Nothing is better than Sunday nights. My mind at peace and
Warm, chocolate milk. A plate of beautiful, luscious, warm, Snickerdoodle
Cookies waited for me in my little 'Flower Cutie' plate.

Rita came out of the kitchen with my grilled cheese sandwich. It
Better be as good as I taught her.

I took a bite tasting the nice grilled cheese through the crisp bread.
She's outdone herself! But, it wasn't as good as the one mom made me.

I stared at the diary dad gave me that lays in the trash can.
It was covered in 'lil' kids worksheetz! Colors!', old newspaper
And a diet coke can.

Yeah, I was right. It was practically trash. A waste. Unfortunately, we'll
See him for Christmas. It'll be the worst Christmas like its been for a few
Years. It was sad.

"Someone looks relaxed." A voice muffled. I took out my earphones to
See mom happy while holding something behind her back.

"Hmm?" I asked not knowing if what I heard is what I heard.

"Never mind, but I made you something that'll look
Good on you!" Mom beamed while revealing my name tag.
She spent three hours making my name tag. Designing a font,
Getting colored paper, printing and laminating. Three hours?

"So, tell me about Taylor." Mom gushed sitting down next to me.
Well, if I did want her to approve of our relationship she'd have to
Know him first. This is the scariest moment of my life...

I hate you me... For your honesty...

But honestly, how to start with Taylor? I can write a book
On his personality for all I care.

"Well, he's a nice guy..." I said shyly but started of real slow noticing
Mom's eye brow movement to my every word. She's hanging onto
Every word and probably deciphering it. Creepy...

"He's my classmate, my age but one year older." I added but she didn't
Look happy with that last one. Her outburst is not worth witnessing but
I'm here. Too late!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... He's one year older?" Mom squinted,
Looking pissed. I stood up and folded my arms crossly.

"Mom, if anything's wrong, you and dad are four years apart! And married!
Taylor and I are one year apart and we're dating! There's a difference." I protested,
Standing up for my point. Mom did her 'touché' look and waved her hand in the
Air signaling me to go on.

"He's the hottest guy in our Year that even the Year 10 girls are crushing on
Him. God, I feel so lucky." I said, trying to keep my cool. I can't afford to go through
That 'boy cray cray' stage four again. That was me last year. Creepy... Derp!
Again, something sounded unpleasant for mom. How do I know that? Her frown.

"Hottest guy? That's wrong, Hannah. The hottest guys are good
At cheating. They'll do it and you won't even notice! Hottest? Honestly
Hannah, I'm your mother. I dated a hot Japanese guy in my fourth year
Of high school and he cheated on me for a Korean. Hottest! Mark my words.
Don't you see tha -" I interrupted her rambling. I did not need to know that
She wasn't a virgin until she met dad.

"Mom! Shush! Taylor's different. Did you hear yourself? You were in fourth year!
I'm in my third! There's another difference. You don't know Taylor like I do
So if you want to know about him you have to stop correcting everything I say
About him!" I argued. I was already annoyed to death. Mom took a small pill
And signaled me to go, again.

I shifted at least three inches away from her so that I feel safe. Somehow, there
Something ironic in that statement.

"He knew that me liking him was cute so we had this 'thing' and -" mom interrupted
Me. Seriously? This is the third time! It better be reasonable.

"Hannah, I'd like to correct you this time. 'Liking'? I haven't heard
Of that word ever since your grandma gave me a grammar lecture! And
I don't know what a 'thing' is!" Mom gestured her two fingers up and down.
I felt like I was going to lose it.

"Mom, pay attention! I was just going to explain that part!" I scowled getting
The roll of duct tape. She looked at the duct tape then me as if she didn't know
What to do with it. Well you know what they say. Like mother like daughter.

"Tape your mouth, please." I mumbled handing it to
Her. She cut a piece and placed it over her mouth. There's a reason
Why I chose duct tape.

"Okay, we were like really good friends last year but friend zoned.
After a few months, things changed. We became friends that liked to
Hug and kiss but different, okay? It's a playful thing. Not to worry!
He's a good guy. A charmer and a cocky dude. He has a personality that
Annoys the heck out of my skull but he's a good guy!" I explained. I was
Done without any interruptions.

Mom's eyes widened, 'un - okay' looking and muffled. She couldn't
Take it anymore. She ripped the duct tape off her mouth and screamed
So loud! I covered my ears, laughing so bad that my sides began to get sore.
She went to the kitchen to get cold water and a towel.

Oh my God! I was still laughing!



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