Chapter 19

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Not much happened after two shitty months. So far, things haven't
Been working out for Laira and Carter. Of course, me being the
Eves dropper near the locker's corridor was one way of finding
Out what was happening.

"You can live with yourself with some girl fawning over you. In
Fact, why don't you live with her? Deep down you think she's
All perfect, sculpted of wax or something while I'm sculpted of
Cobblestone! Whatever it is! Hailee hates me and really likes you
Enough to start a religion called 'Carterus'. Stupidity washes in just
Like that and you have the courage to live with it!" Laira protested.
I didn't blame her that much. I too am pissed at Carter for ditching
Madison. She's desperate!

"Laira, I don't look at Hailee the way I look at you. You're one in a
Million and if there was any other Laira that tried to be you, she'd
Be trash. Practically bullshit! Hailee is just some girl that likes me and
I'm just flattered, not like I like her back or anything." Carter explained.
I hate how he won't give up. Just take Madison back and give up! Woops,
Other way around.

"Carter, you've lied to me so many times that I lost count.
Screw this relationship because you know what? It's not
Working out. Don't tell me that it isn't what it is because it is
What it is!" Laira snapped while trying to sound calm. She
Couldn't help but storm away and wipe her tears. I kinda felt
Sorry for her. This was a less cliché way of breaking up though.

I didn't know how to talk Carter into trying to get Madison
Back and I didn't know how to console Laira. It sounds as easy
As people think but newsflash, it's not exactly what it seems.

Laira was just rearranging the books in her locker and Carter just
Leaned against his locker. The problem is that their lockers are right
Across each other's. Is this problem really worth my interferance?
What would I know about one year relationships? How am I supposed
To sculpt this error into something better? I'm really clueless. I
Guess I just have to go along with how life works.

I approached Laira and helped her put her folders under
Her textbooks. She mouthed a 'thank you' while packing
Her beanie away.

"Laira, I don't mean to be rude, nosy or anything but, are
You okay?" I asked, softly. I was already feeling scared. She
Seemed fragile.

She shook her head as she put on a simple cardigan and ruffled
Her hair a bit.

"I feel like that other side of me just wanted to let it go. God,
I feel so terrible!" She exclaimed with guilt. A pang of pain
Flashed in her face and that cute smile was out of sight, out
Of mind. For a while, that is... I think...

"You have rights. It's your choice if you want to be
With him even if Miss Popular likes him and he doesn't
Like her." I hung onto every word I said. Was I sure about
Persuading her to crawl back to Carter's arms? That's what
Madison did and it didn't turn out to be successful. Carter,
For a change, is the one trying to crawl back to Laira. I'm not
So sure that I understand his situation well enough.

"To be honest, I never regret being single. That's all
I can say. Thanks for your help though." Laira sighed
Before she ripped her Polaroid selfie of her and Carter
And walked away.

Now, it was Carter I had to deal with. How easy is this?
Very. Haha.... No.

I crept up behind him and gripped his shoulders as he shuddered
In shock. He looked behind himself with a not - so - surprised look.

"If Laira doesn't want you, don't try." I huffed while leaning right
Beside him. I was near guilt tripping him.

"What do you mean 'if'? She doesn't want me in her life.
She's too good for me." He pouted. My mouth gaped open to
What he said. It sounded so.... WRONG! It sounded so fucking wrong!

"Carter, she is too good for you. It's just that -- Nevermind.
What I'm trying to say is that you easily get over your
Relationships. It makes you worthless and vulnerable." I explained
In the nicest way possible.

He didn't look convinced. What should I expect? Miracles

"Let me ask you this. Do you want anyone else except
For Laira?" I asked. Yes. Now is the good time to try and get
Him to try to want Madison back. After all, she's still free
Please, please take Madison back. I want to be a good friend!

"No." Carter's lips formed into an 'o' shape. Perfect opportunity.

"Madison is still free y'know? She loves you and it's been
A year since your fucked up incident. I'm sure she'll change." I said,
Biting my lip. PLEASE GET MADISON BACK! I can't accept anymore
Message spams of rotten quotes on desperate love on iMessage and
Sad rants on Viber.

Carter looked dissatisfied but didn't say anything for a while.

"Carter, do you think you can live a year without this?" I scolded trying
To reach him. He didn't have to be such a selfish dick. Laira's not
A property and Madison is not a pest.

"Without what?" He snapped. Whoops, someone's getting pissed!
I'm doing my job right.

"Making love to my friend or trying to impress her. Whatever you
Do." I shrugged. He glared at my comment and hesitated at first
Before he sank in front of his locker. I slowly sat next to him and

"You green minded pain in the ass. What are you trying to say?" Carter
Mumbled. I had to get through this conversation before Latin class.

"I'm trying to be a good friend to Madison and she really loves you." I said,
Trying to convince him. The heartless bastard just raised and eye brow and looked away.

"Listen Carter, if you're not going to cooperate or take my advice
I'd like to let you know something. A warning of my wrath. JK,
Just listen and don't be a dick. I will cut your throat and your stomach
And stuff your intestines in a jar and sell it to Turkey to be the new candy
Trend. Got that?" I threatened. For once, I was serious about my threats.
I so meant it.

He gulped and pushed his hand though his hair.

"That sounds dark!" He freaked out.

"Believe it or not, bitch." I snarled. I had no intention of being mean.
I in fact, am being supportive and hard core by my standards.

"Does she really love me?" He asked softly. I know where this is
Going. You will take her back! Fuck yeah! I nodded with a
Sly grin.

"Okay, I'll try to get her back." He grumbled. I started jumping up
As I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran to find Madison.

Guess who I ran into again?

Mr. Captivating Blue Eyes!

"Again. Is crashing into each other going to be a 'thing' or something?" Cody smiled
With a faint chuckle. Words cannot express how cute he is ( NOT baby cute ).

"I guess. Did you have any intentions or anything?" I asked while pushing my
Hair back. That's my move when I'm feeling nervous - ish.

"Nah. You?" He smiled. Cody's smile is gold. It was a 'million dollar' smile.
Why is it so captivating? Oh yeah, cause' he's a hottie.

I shook my head while adjusting my bag, a bit so I don't look
So still. Being too still brings up more awkward moments.

"Okay, see you around." Cody waved as he left.

Why do I always feel like I like/love him? I feel so unloyal to Taylor.
I should've stayed single until he moved in, though.



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