Not alone

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Just because I used that song to write this chapter.

Amanda's pov

Liz nodded at my statement. My hand wandered up to cup her cheek. I locked my eyes with hers.

I wiped away the tears, that streamed down her tender cheeks, with my thumb. I only focused on her eyes in that moment, losing myself in them. For a moment it was as if I would have sawn a shine in them.

Liz then looked down. I saw a tint of pink painting her cheeks. She was cute when she blushed.

I took back my hand which cupped her cheek and let it rest in my lap.

„Hey." I began. „I promise you that the next two weeks will be the best you had!" Another promise I gave, but I soon had to realize that I couldn't keep it for long.

She smiled and looked back at me. „Thank you Amanda." Liz said quietly. I nodded and I got back my happy, smiling sunshine.

„So." She started and my attention was completely on her. „Tv and sleep now?" She asked and I couldn't help my little smile that creeped on my face.

„Sure." I replied and we both prepared everything for the night. I still felt how hard it was for Liz to accept those news, but I still tried to distract her and keep the smile on her face.

I knew exactly how and I managed to do so. The smile stayed almost for the entire night and we both were overly happy that we had each other. I saw it in Liz's eyes.

Liz threw herself on the couch as we were done, preparing some snacks. I grabbed the remote control and switched on the tv, starting Netflix. The intro appeared and I settled down next to Liz.

I kept my distance but as I soon noticed was Liz coming closer to me. She leaned on my shoulder. It was a nice feeling.

But I wanted more. I pulled her to me and she snuggled up. It went like this all the time. We cuddled very often. I guess we just liked the feeling of someone in your arms or being held by the other one.

I smiled and Liz got a little bit more comfortable. „Chose." I said and she just pointed to a specific show. „We have watched that for a million times." I giggled but Liz was still willing to watch it another time.

I started Fullmetal Alchemist and placed the remote back on the table. Liz then grabbed the blanket and threw it over both of us.

We cuddled up more since the blanket wasn't that big and I felt Liz's heart beat. It was even and calm.

I laid my head carefully on hers and we watched the show in silent. One of my hands got to caress over Liz's head, playing a little bit with her hair.

It was so soft and smelled so nice. „Amanda." Liz said it rather whispered. „Hm?" „Can we..go to bed?" I nodded slightly and Liz got her head back up to look at me.

„Carry me." She said. I laughed. „You can walk yourself you heathen." I replied and she made her puppy dog eyes.

„You said the weeks will be great so they will start with you carrying me to the bed." I saw her little pout and gave up.

I got the blanket to the side and got up. Liz held out her arms and I picked her up. She placed her hands around my neck and hold herself. Her head nestled in my neck and I couldn't hold back my little comment.

„You're like a cat." Liz looked up at me in question. „Why a cat?" She asked. „Because you're cute like one." I smiled and I got to see her blushing, cute, little face once again.

I opened the bedroom door with my foot and got in, laying her down in the bed. „Do i need to put the blanket over you too? And maybe tell you a good night tale."

I shouldn't have asked that. „Yes please mommy." she said with a grin on her face. „I'm not your mommy." I exclaimed and turned around.

„Where are you going? I need to hear my tale." I glanced back at her. „I'm just going to turn off the TV and grab our phone to charge them. After that I will come back and tell you your stupid tale."

I walked out of the room, hearing Liz shout after me. „They aren't stupid." I giggled and got to the living room again, doing just what I said.

With the remote, I switched off the TV and took the phones with me. I wondered why Liz's mom didn't even contacted Liz. There were no messages or missed calls on her phone.

I unlocked it and checked, but her mother didn't even tried to call her once. I sighed and locked it again, going back to the bedroom. Only to find Liz Safe and sound asleep.

A few strands of her blonde hair fell over her face. I got close to the bed and put the phones to charge. I then changed and put on my sleeping outfit.

I lifted the cover a bit and got under it, trying to not wake the sleeping princess. I carefully got my arms around Liz and she immediately snuggled up to me.

I tugged away the strands of her and caresses over her cheek. „How beautiful can you even be." I whispered and a little smile formed on Liz's lips.

I kissed her forehead and she pulled herself closer to me. „Good Night Princess." I closed my eyes, with her heartbeat and her steady breath, calming me.

I fell asleep and slept throughout the night.
I only noticed how Liz got very close to me and whispered something to me, but I was way to fast asleep that I didn't quite understood it.


I managed to write this wouu. But lol I can't be bothered to spellchecked that. I simply don't want to atm.

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