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Guys. I updated the eighth time in two day's. Now slow down because I probably won't be able to in the next week!

OH and I have an announcement at the end! So..Make sure to read it!

Some of you may be mad at me for that..haha.
Anywho enjoy the story!

I haven't spellchecked this sorry.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Liz's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

,,Amanda!" I made my way over to her and pulled her to me as soon as I sat next to her.
She jumped and looked at me. ,,L-Liz.."

Tears rolled down her puffy cheeks and her eyes were red. A dark pink graced her cheek. Amanda was cold. ,,Here.." I laid the blanket around her and caressed over her cheeks.

,,Why are you out here?" I softly asked and looked at her. ,,I could ask you the same thing.." her voice was broken and quiet.

,,I was worried about you, silly." Amanda didn't respond. She snuggled up more in the blanket around her and her breath calmed.

,,You were at my parents house..why did you not come in?" Amanda looked down and clenched her teeth.

,,Baby.." ,,You cuddled with Leo.." She replied and sobbed right after. ,,I did..? I'm sorry, love." Now I lowered my head and looked to the side. ,,Why were you there tho.?"

I grew more afraid of Amanda's answer. ,,It was nothing.." she lied. I could tell. ,,Amanda." ,,Kay. Fine. I wanted to show you that Leo burned the pictures and not me."

,,Leo?" So Amanda went that far and accused Leo for her mistakes. ,,Leo didn't do anything. Why would she burn our pictures?!"

My voice raised a little even tho I didn't want to. I saw Amanda flinch and more tears rolled down. ,,Show me.." I ordered and Amanda pulled out her phone.

,,A.J. and I found that on the security cameras that we installed months ago." Security cams?
Amanda unlocked her phone and opened the libary where she started a video.

At first there was only Amanda's floor and a peak of her living room, but a couple seconds later there was..,,Leo?" Amanda nodded silently. ,,Watch."

I watched closely and followed Leo's movements in the video. She searched for something and then..walked to the kitchen?

She came back with a lighter and then after a few more seconds, made her way to..the photos albums..

,,Amanda, I-." ,,Just Watch." Leo took out some of the albums and ripped apart the pictures of Amanda and I. Then she burned the other photos.

,,Oh my god. Amanda I am so sorry.." I had my mouth open and couldn't believe what I just saw. ,,Now you know.." Amanda still looked sad. ,,She lied..Amanda, Baby. What else did she do?"

,,Leo told me to stay away from you because you belong to her.." I was shocked. ,,Now everything makes sense.." ,,Huh?" Amanda was confused and turned her head to look me in the eyes.

„Leo tried to kiss me. She wanted me to just leave you alone." ,,This bitch." I wondered.."What is it about Jason then?" a million questions run through my head.

,,Amanda we have to find out of Leo was really treated or if she was the one who treated Jason wrong." Amanda agreed and I smiled.

,,I'm very sorry that I didn't believe you. Please forgive me." I made little puppy dog eyes. No one could resist them.

,,Hm. You're gonna have to make it up to me." She grinned and I got scared just a little bit. Though I still nodded and agreed. „Of course." Amanda smiled then and lifted my chin with her hand.

„I will tell you what I want from you after we busted that little snitch." I don't know why but that made me shiver a bit. ,,Yes."

Amanda slowly pressed her lips on mine and kissed me. The salty tears somehow mixed with into the kiss. After we parted I looked Amanda stern into her eyes.

„Now let's go home and talk with Leo." ,,No." Amanda shook her head. „We should contact Jason first." „You're a genius." Amanda winked at me and we got up.

,,So do you have his number?" she asked while we walked back to our cars. „I should." I unlocked my phone and scrolled through the thousand contacts I had saved.

I eventually found his number and we called him.
Amanda looked at me and I prayed that he would pick up, which he did after the second ring.

J- Hello?
L- Jason. Hi. I have a really important question.
J- Lizzy! What is it?
L- Is Leo with you?
J- No? And I'm very happy about that. Why are you asking?
L- She is here. With Lilly.
J- You're kidding right?
L- No. Jason we need to talk to you.
J- Uhm sure. You are lucky. I'm not that far from Jax. I could come over.
L- Please do. I will send you an address.
J- Okay. See you then!
L- Bye!

With that the call ended and I send Jason, Amanda's address. ,,Is he coming?" Amanda asked. ,,Yes. He will be here in a an hour or so. I send him your address since Leo won't go there."

„Makes sense. Good then let's go home again. You better make sure that Leo stays at your parents house for as long as we haven't talked with Jason."

„I will. And you will talk with him. Text me when he is there." Amanda nodded and I kissed her goodbye for now.

„I love you Amanda. Don't you ever forget that!" „I promise I won't." I smiled and we got in our cars.

I hope everything goes well..


Here you go. For all you thirsty people who ABSOLUTELY LOVE this damn story and force me to update lol. Jk I love writing this. And I'm glad y'all enjoyed it so much!

So anywho.
The announcement I mentioned in the beginning.

Due to the fact that I probably start school August instead of February, I will continue to write! I will work so it's limited but I won't stop with doing what I love. And writing is like a therapy for me. A way to escape reality.

But I will start another story next year ;)
I wanna get this done by new year!

There won't be that many chapters anymore. Maybe 3-5 it depends.

So yeah. I hope y'all aren't mad or anything that I stay lmao.

I really have so much fun here and I found so many friends through my stories. I could never stop to be honest. I'm so glad that you guys are here for me and support me and my stories!
Thank you! I will pour my heart out on Sylvester so be prepared for more ‚thank you's' xx

So..for now bye lovelies <3

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