Chapter 3: Make A Deal

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Hi everyone, sorry I had to change the chapter a little to give it more effect. Hope you like it, peace.

The following morning Solstice already left early for Stark Tower, leaving Luna in the apartment by herself. She wanted her to have a day off after the traumatic event from yesterday and called her out.  Luna insisted that she was fine but arguing with her sister was nearly impossible and ended up staying home, spending the first few hours after waking up in her room on her bed, in her PJs, finishing up her newest sketch in her notebook. After the events of last night Solstice admitted to taking her notebook out of her bag and showing her drawings to the team. Needless to say there was an hour long screaming match between the both of them. 

 While she was working on her sketch she thought over the events of last night. What exactly happened? was there a bug in the system? or was it something more? By the time she finished her sketch it was already past noon. Feeling her stomach ache from hunger she placed the notebook under her mattress, stepped out of her bedroom, and trudged into the kitchen to grab some hot wings from the freezer. She poured some onto a plate and placed it into the toaster oven. Walking over to the couch she laid on her back and waited for her lunch. Looking up at the ceiling, she began to grow increasingly bored and started humming. Not after a few minutes she suddenly heard a loud thump, like someone dropped heavy metal outside her balcony.  Spreading out her wings and cautiously approaching the sliding door that led outside, she peered behind the curtain and gasped. There was a silver, seven-foot robot. Quickly she ran and locked it, hoping tk slow it down while she called for help. Unfortunately it didn't do much as it broke the lock and slowly opened the sliding door. The robot leaned it's head inside the apartment. She jumped back, putting some distance between them. "Good evening, Mrs. Cealum," the bot grinned. It's voice was deep, intimidating even. 

 She growled. "How do you know who I am and how the hell did you find my apartment?! ". She conquered up some energy into her hands. “ I tapped into your file as well as your medical records.” he answered. “ I could not find any traces of a Luna Cealum on social media, so I had to resort to other sources to find your address ”. Well that explains how he found her. Subconsciously she blamed Sol. She was always on social media posting about her whereabouts. It was borderline idiotic in her opinion. "okay. well, the hell do you want then?" she interrogated. "You suggested that we improve humanity last night, remember?" reminded the robot. A cold chill ran down her spine and worked its way up. Slowly her wings fell back into place . " Ultron?!" she took a step back ." How? At the party, Thor smashed you with his hammer "

"I can escape through the world wide web and access any robotics," explained the A.I. "I came here to see you.". He ducked and stepped inside the apartment, causing the girl to take another step back. Her mind was racing, What if her sister came back home while he was still inside and saw him? "Did you think I'd forget our conversation from last night?" He asks, standing to his full height while folding his arms. Head almost hitting the ceiling. "I'm surprised you remembered me at all to be honest" she retorted. “ Why wouldn't I remember you? ". he questions, tilting his metal head. “ Because”  she muttered. Her almond shaped eyes glancing down at the floor before she shook it off. “you know what, forget it ". 

"Here's the deal, you teach me how to improve humanity, and in exchange, I'll deliver anything your mind desires." Proposed Ultron. Luna took a few moments to think over the deal. Was he being serious? She looked into his piercing red optics, which gave away no expression. A look she knew all too well.  " I don't exactly need anything.. Maybe," she pondered. " I don't know, we could be.. Allies?". It came out sounding more like a question than a request. He was quiet ."You really are desperate, aren't you?" he said, letting out a small chuckle. She didn't have to say anything, the glare he received was enough to burn a hole through his servers. 

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