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"What are you doing?"


As soon as he heard my voice he scrambled to reach over to the remote control, mistakenly pressing the wrong series of buttons which not only blasted the volume making those moaning sounds loudly echo around the room, he also somehow fast-forwarded the video which was now showing two very naked men wrapped around each other in a rather intricate position violently slamming their bodies together. It was almost worth going through two weeks of Arthit acting super weirdly just to see the look of pure aghast on his face right now.

I was still standing by the door watching with amusement as he practically tripped over his own feet, releasing a loud comical squeak as he yanked out the plug of the tv from the wall finally shutting the screen full of oversized penises. Arthit slowly turning towards me, a highly embarrassed smile dancing around the edge of his lips. A deep blush rising up his neck.

"Kong...I was just...ummm...uhh...I was just...doing... research?"

Was that an excuse or a question?

"Research? Gay porn research? For what?"


"Don't tell me you signed onto another role without consulting with me again."

"Huh? Role? Oh yes, YES! A role. That's it. That's what I did. I signed on for another role. That's what I was researching for. That's perfect."

"What? How the fuck is that perfect. We are overbooked already. For the next five years. Do you seriously hate your sleep that much? Or do you just hate me?"


"How is sorry going to help me pop out more hours in a day? Is this why you have been avoiding talking to me for two weeks?"

"Yeah...yeah that's right. I ... umm...was scared to tell you."

Ok, should I be worried that the more I was yelling at him the broader his creepy grin got? Why the hell is he so happy about throwing our schedules for a loop. His expression looking rather distinctly opposite of being scared.

"What is this role about anyway? Please tell me you aren't playing a pornstar."

Probably the only blush I have ever seen on the man's face instantly vanishing as he quickly grabbed my wrist and walked us to his bed, pushing me down before placing the large bowl of popcorn in my lap, stuffing some in his mouth too as he decided to finally drop all this stupid secrecy and actually talk to me. I think my best friend is officially back.

"Ok, ok, so the story is about a guy. Obviously."


"I mean a straight guy. Like a straight straight guy."

"I didn't know there were more than one types of straight, but continue."

"So yeah this guy is super-duper straight. Like, can't get enough of pussy, straight. And then one day out of absolute nowhere, like a freaking stroke of lightening he finds himself getting inexplicably attracted to...to..."



Ooookay...this is interesting.

Both of us squinting at each other in our own personal quirky way to read each other's expressions. Seeing him this serious always makes me nervous.

"Attracted how? Like...emotionally? Or physically?"

"Attracted in every way. In all ways. Emotionally, physically...sexually. It's almost like the...the friend is all he can think about. Constantly. When he is asleep or awake or brushing his teeth or stuffing his face with bananas or even just bloody breathing. His brain is just being bombarded with all these thoughts about a person who is not only a guy but also his best friend. It's just non-stop. No matter what the friend is doing, all I...I mean...he...all he can think about is how badly he wants to kiss him. And every single second that they are not kissing it seems like it is pure, unadulterated torture. Which is all the freaking time, obviously. And this friend is doing nothing to make his life easier as he struts about looking all good and fit and...and sexy. In the stupid sexy way he eats things or the annoying sexy way he bites his pen all day long, even the way he just stands in one place doing absolutely nothing is sexy. Do you even know how hard it is to walk around with an erection all damn day? It's bloody frustrating."

I was a little stunned with Arthit's impassioned description of this supposed bi-curious character, as he visibly huffed and puffed trying to catch his breath. Apparently Arthit really liked this script huh?

"Okay. So...then what happens?"


"The super-duper straight guy starts getting attracted to his so-called sexy looking best friend. That's the premise, right? So what's the actual story?"

"I don't know."

"Huh? Didn't you read the script?"

"Not yet. I was trying to see if I could figure out how the character would behave. Wait, you are a writer. What do you think happens next? What would you do if you were in my...I mean... the lead guy's shoes?"

"Hmmm...let's see..."

I settled back a little more comfortably on his bed. Laying down flat on my back, pulling a plump pillow under me as I stared at the ceiling, popping a few more corns in my mouth as I contemplated on his story. Arthit following suit as he laid down right next to me, his eyes peeled on my face. Why does it feel like it has been eons since we had our late night talks?

"How about he just talks to his friend about all this attraction and sexiness."

"But then he will have to talk about the attraction and sexiness."

"Yes, Arthit that is what I just said."

"No Kong but can't you see how freaking awkward it will all be. He will have to accept he is all gayish. And what if he isn't ready to announce to the world about this new...discovery of his. "

"Why does he need to publicize it to the world? He can just talk to his friend first. Privately. Maybe his friend is the one who helps him figure out what's really in his head."

"That's even harder than screaming it from the top of the buildings."

"Aren't they supposed to be best friends? Why would he be scared to talk to him."

"Cause...cause...what if everything gets all messed up."

"Messed up how? That the friend won't accept him being gay?"


"Is his friend also the 'super-duper can't get enough pussy' straight?"


"That their friendship won't be the same cause now that sort of romantic feelings have entered their relationship?"


"Then is he scared to move beyond friendship with this guy?"


"Then what?"

"That his friend has actually moved on."

"Moved on...?"

"Kong he is freaking out cause he is a bloody bozo who didn't figure out until last week that four years ago his friend was actually confessing to him and what if it's too late now and I'm scared that you don't feel the same way about me anymore."

Wait. What?

He isn't really talking about some script anymore, is he?

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