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 mr. and mrs. evans 

instagram post
chrisevans !


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❤️ liked by jjcarter, scottevansgram, and 10M others

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❤️ liked by jjcarter, scottevansgram, and 10M others

chrisevans mr. and mrs. evans ❤️ i love you my australian queen.

tagged: blairevans ]

view all 1M comments

blairevans you're gonna make me cry all over again. i love you my american king

user1 oh my god congrats ❤️✨

user2 you guys got married?!

bryceforbes congrats you guys wrote some really beautiful vows for each other

user3 when did this happen?!

therussobrothers it was a beautiful ceremony and we appreciate you letting us come to the wedding. congratulations to you and @blairevans !

user4 this picture is so adorable even though it is so simple

user5 so many famous people in one place for a celebration of love

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