0. Prologue

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Fate was like a constant barrage of trick-or-treating.

Being the son of the infamous Tony Stark seemed to have been a pleasant treat with some annoying tricks.

Being friends with the Avengers was a cruel trick, yes, but you definitely had some of the sweeter moments of your life with them.

Having gone through countless fights and battles with them was definitely a bad trick, but the relief of knowing you made it through together was a wonderful treat.

You relished in the blissful idea that the Avengers were unstoppable, and for a moment, it seemed like it was true.

But then things changed.

Life became bleaker. More serious. And less of what it used to be. The stakes had gotten exponentially higher, and you seemed to have been walking on a tightrope.

You figured that if something had happened to you because of this, you'd be surrounded by your loved ones. And if you played your cards right, it wouldn't happen until later in life.

What you didn't expect was to have Fate come banging at your door at your most vulnerable; alone, scared, and terrified. No one to hear you, no one to rescue you, no one, no one, no one.

No one.

You have trick-or-treated with Fate for many years. Each treat was more pleasant after the other, but each trick was meaner than the ones before.

But by far, you thought bitterly, this was the cruelest trick Fate had played on you.

But now, you're given a chance to start over. A chance to reel Fate in by the throat and change it.

The question is: are you going to take it?


A/N: This will be my only Authors Note as far as I can tell. However, I just wanted to make this as an experimental fanfiction. I will only be posting this on here, WattPad, and Tumblr. I'm going to be honest: I don't know how this will go. I don't have anything planned, just a vague idea as to what I want to write. I wanted a better ending in Endgame, and I guess this is my one shot by also including a Male Reader insert into this. I might even take down this whole story since it'll probably take me a long time to even think of a chapter, and I might lose interest. I don't know. 

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